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Description: Patent for a swingletree that equalizes the strain of the draft animal when the traces are connected in an irregular manner.
Date: July 20, 1920
Creator: Bosse, William F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Stamford High School Alterations, Stamford, Texas: First Floor Plan & Louver Detail

Description: Revised first floor plan and louver detail for alterations to Stamford High School in Stamford, Texas. The floor plan features room names, labels, and wall edge lines with sections that are colored red. The louver detail features measurements, texture lines, orange shading, labels, and notes. A window schedule is included above the louver detail, and a legend is included beneath the louver detail.
Date: July 20, 1920
Creator: David S. Castle Co.
Partner: Tittle-Luther/Parkhill, Smith and Cooper, Inc.

Stamford High School Alterations, Stamford, Texas: Toilet Plans

Description: Toilet plans for alterations to Stamford High School in Stamford, Texas. Sections include floor plan of boys toilet in basement, detail showing toilet room floor, boy's toilet for first floor, boy's toilet for second floor, girl's toilet in basement, girl's toilet for first floor, girl's toilet for second floor, section thru shower bath, and elevation toilet stalls. They feature orange colored walls, measurements, and labels.
Date: July 20, 1920
Creator: David S. Castle Co.
Partner: Tittle-Luther/Parkhill, Smith and Cooper, Inc.

Map of Haskell County, Young Land District

Description: Cadastral map of Haskell County and the Young surveying district, showing property lines, ownership, land grants, and plat numbers. The map also includes towns, roads, rivers, and creeks. No scale indicated.
Date: July 20, 1859
Creator: Von Rosenberg, W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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