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[Letter from John Teackle to Charles Nicoll Bancker, March 6, 1805, Vol. 1]

Description: Letter from John Teackle to Charles Nicoll Bancker. The letter is from Vol. 1 of Charles N. Bancker's correspondence journal, which pertains to family and business matters and documents national economic and political issues related to the family's interests in banking, commerce, and shipbuilding. John writes about shipbuilding and shipping matters and discusses his desire to see all of his children at his house.
Date: March 6, 1805
Creator: Teackle, John
Partner: Library of Congress Manuscript Division

[Manifest from the Mexican Congress]

Description: Manifest from the Mexican Congress to the Mexican people concerning the publishing of the declaration of the Federal Republic. The document is signed at the end by José Antonio Fernández and mentions that it is was copied in Aguayo on March 6, 1824.
Date: 1824-03-06?
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Letters from sisters Marie and Caroline Huth to Ferdinand Louis Huth, December 9, 1845 and March 6, 1845]

Description: Letter from sister Marie to [Ferdinand] Louis [Huth] letting him know how pleased they are to get his letters and wish that he could be there. She also mentions that Germany is trying to unite Protestant and Catholic churches. Signed Marie on December 9, 1845. With letter from Caroline Huth to [Ferdinand] Louis [Huth] asking him about his home and whether he has received the household linens and garden seeds. She also asks him to send potato sprouts. Signed Caroline Huth on March 6 possibly in … more
Date: 1845-03-06/1845-12-09
Creator: Huth, Marie & Huth, Caroline
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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