3 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance October 10th between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CDT.

Search Results

[Land Deed to the Church of Christ in Murphy, Texas]

Description: Land deed from James T. Murphy and Emma Murphy to R. A. Sale and Han Murphy for the "consideration of twenty dollars." The purchasers are elders "of the Church of Christ at Decator, Collin County," and the next paragraphs detail the perimeters of the land and the purposes of the land, that being "used for Church purposes."
Date: May 20, 1886
Creator: Taylor, Mrs. Frank H.
Partner: Murphy Historical Society Inc.

[Lee Frith Turney's Birth Certificate]

Description: Birth certificate of Lee Frith Turney that includes the names of his parents, his birth legitimacy, and location where he was born. The next two sections include affidavits saying the accuracy of the information, and that it has been accepted with the state registrar.
Date: January 22, 1942
Creator: Harwood, George W.
Partner: Murphy Historical Society Inc.

[Nelle King Turney's Birth Cirtificate]

Description: Birth certificate of Nelle King Turney from 1942 stating her parents' names, her full name, as well as two affidavits acknowledging the accuracy of the information printed above. Also included is a small certificate from the Collin County Clerk stating that the birth certificate is accurate and true.
Date: January 23, 1942
Creator: Hagy, W. C. & Neilson, H. H.
Partner: Murphy Historical Society Inc.
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