161 Matching Results

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Description: Patent for a new and improved filter. This design is for "[a] filter consisting of sections secured together at their meeting edges by a lapped joint, the upper edge of [a] section being fitted wholly within [another] section and forming a shoulder for the support of a screen-plate, and the body of filtering material above, a shoulder on [a] section below [the] shoulder, and screen plates resting on and held to the shoulders by the weight of the body of filtering material, whereby, when the fil… more
Date: February 15, 1887
Creator: Begemann, Charles Fredrich William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a new and improved refrigerator. This design "consist[s] of the cooling-box having top doors, the over-hanging frame, guide-pulleys, cords, and weights, the ice-box having an ice support or grate in its lower end, a water-tank in the upper end of said ice-box, and a discharge-pipe connected with the tank and having its lower portion disposed in coils below the ice support or grate" (lines 13-21).
Date: February 15, 1887
Creator: Dunn, William W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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