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[Letter from Andrew D. Campbell to Elizabeth Upshur Teackle, April 15, 1815]

Description: Letter from Andrew D. Campbell to Elizabeth Upshur Teackle. He writes extensively about the end of the War of 1812 and Napoleon's return to France from his exile in Elba. He asks about her daughter, Elizabeth Ann Upshur Teackle, and her husband, Littleton Dennis Teackle. He also talks about poetry, focusing on the works of Sir Walter Scott.
Date: April 15, 1815
Creator: Campbell, Andrew Donaldson
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

[Bill of payment]

Description: Bill of payment to "Holmes & Brown" from Michael Reed. Bill begins March 29, 1829 and payment was received in full April 15, 1830.
Date: April 15, 1830
Creator: Holmes and Brown
Partner: Southwestern University

[Transcript of Letter from F. W. Johnson to Editors of the Galveston News, April 29, 1834]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from F. W. Johnson to Editors of the Galveston News, in which Johnson offers corrections to the facts stated in a series of stories published in the Galveston News on Early colonization. Johnson provides clarification regarding: dates on which certain events occurred, relationships between persons, and numbers of families introduced by Robertson and Austin.
Date: April 15, 1834
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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