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[Correspondence Concerning a Marriage License]

Description: Communications concerning a marriage license for Joseph Antonio Losano and Maria Guadalupe Gimenes; Losano is a Mestizo, and Gimenes is a mulatta. In the following text Antonio Larralde mentions that Losano says that there are no obstacles with obtaining the license but there is no priest around to perform a wedding.
Date: January 16, 1762
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Petition from Laredo Officials to the Governor]

Description: Petition from officials in Laredo to the Governor of Nueva Santander Melchor Vidal de Larca y Villena. According to the petition, the townspeople wish to continue rounding up cattle, as they have done since 1755, for their use. The governor responds by granting permission to do this, however branded cattle are to be returned to their owners.
Date: 1788-01~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Census for Villa San Augustín de Laredo]

Description: Census for Villa San Augustín de Laredo with a list of all Spanish inhabitants of the town. The chart is broken down into columns with the individual's name written on the left and numbers in corresponding columns depending on their circumstances.
Date: January 29, 1789
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Orders to Five Villas within Nuevo Santander]

Description: Orders sent to five villas, Reynosa, Camargo, Mier, Revilla, and Laredo, from the Intendent to collect taxes and send the money. The smaller document says that this is for the year 1791, and lists out the months of January, March, June, November, and December.
Date: 1791-01~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Five Decrees from the Conde de la Sierra Gorda]

Description: Five decrees published by the Conde de la Sierra Gorda while in Laredo. Decrees range from August 1796 to October 1796 and cover topics concerning religious authorities following canon law; amnesty for all persons not guilty of serious crimes; and legal regulations.
Date: 1797-01~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Transcript of Schedule of Property Returned by Messrs Moses and Stephen Austin, January 1797]

Description: Copy of transcript for a schedule of property returned by Messrs Austin as the Property of Messrs Austin and Company. The itemized list includes: debts associated with the lead mines, legal fees, debts owed to the Austin family by individuals, and a list of African American slaves.
Date: January 1797
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Official Record from José Jesús de la Garza to the Governor]

Description: Official record from José Jesús de la Garza to the Governor of Nuevo Santander stating that José Martín Morales has sold his portion of land grant #40 in la Villa de Burgos to Julio Jose Quintana for 25 pesos in order to settle a debt. The document is severely torn on the right side of the paper and has small holes throughout the interior.
Date: 1798-01~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Printed Edict from Viceroy de la Grúa Talamanca]

Description: Printed edict from the Viceroy of New Spain, by order of the King of Spain, with rules and regulations concerning military prisoners. The edict states that these regulations are to be observed when removing prisoners from their place of refuge, and are to be followed across the nation with respect to the Church and clergy.
Date: January 8, 1798
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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