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[Envelope from Matilda Brantley Dodd and Betty Franklin, January 2, 1880]

Description: An envelope addressed to Charles B. Moore in Collin County, Melissa Texas. A postal stamp on the front reads: "Gallatin, Tenn.; Jan 2." A postal stamp on the back reads: "Melissa, Collin Co., Texas; Jan 6, 1880." A handwritten note reads: "Matilda Dodd; + Betty Franklin; Received [Jan]; 1880."
Date: January 2, 1880
Creator: [Dodd, Matilda Brantley] & [Franklin, Betty]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Transcript of Letter from Stephen H. Dardeux to Levi Perryman, February 2, 1880]

Description: Transcript of a letter from Stephen H. Dardeux, Comptroller to Levi Perryman, Sheriff and Collector of Montague County discussing letter of the 21st from Deputy W.A. Morris about the deed of lands sold to the state for 1877 taxes. He has received the deed and thinks everything is in order.
Date: February 2, 1880
Creator: Dardeux, Stephen H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Apparatus for the Manufacture of Ice.

Description: Patent for a new and improved ice maker. This design calls for "two or more sheets of galvanized iron or other metal set in a tank of fresh water, one on either side of the evaporation-pipes, and held in a position parallel to each other by anchors or yokes that connect them" (lines 15-20). This eliminates the need for strong (ammoniacal) brine and is a faster, more reliable, and less leaky ice-making process than previous ones that used said brine.
Date: March 2, 1880
Creator: Zilker, Andrew J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Piano-Forte Tuning-Pin Lock.

Description: Patent for a new and improved lock for forte-piano tuning-pins. This design consists "of an elongated or oblong metal plate provided with a slot in a part of its length and having one of its faces roughened into serrations . . . which, together with . . . correspondingly-toothed hooks bolted to said plate, form a clamp to bind two or more tuning-pins of a piano together, to prevent them from turning as a set or independently" (lines 16-25).
Date: March 2, 1880
Creator: Norcross, Levi W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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