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The Citrus Industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas

Description: This bulletin is presented for the primary purpose of aiding the citrus industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and by a statement of authentic facts to apprise the public of the magnitude and possibilities of this rapidly developing industry.
Date: 1923-03-01/1923-04-30
Creator: Del Cutro, J. M.; Halstead, E. W. & Halstead, H. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

First State Bank Building, Big Springs, Texas: Roof Plan & Elevation Renderings

Description: Roof plan and elevation renderings for a bank building commissioned by the First State Bank in Big Springs, Texas. They include measurements, labels, and wall boundary lines. The front elevation has fine detail for the texture of the brick. The sections are called front elevation, rear elevation, roof plan, and typical details of toilet stall partitions.
Date: March 1923
Creator: David S. Castle Co.
Partner: Tittle-Luther/Parkhill, Smith and Cooper, Inc.
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