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Description: Patent for an improvement that "relates to that class of cotton-packers which receive cotton from the condenser after ginning and pack it in a box preparatory to being pressed and tied into a bale; and its object is to provide means whereby the cotton may be packed int he box automatically" (lines 8-14).
Date: September 29, 1885
Creator: Hart, Alfred
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Hame Fastener.

Description: Patent for a new and improved hame-fastener. This design "consists of an adjustable regulating fastener for the upper and lower ends of the hames, and this fastener is further provided with a swinging loop, to which the breast-strap may be attached on the lower fastener and the strap on the upper fastener when desired" (lines 19-25).
Date: September 29, 1885
Creator: Hake, Francis A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Ink Fountain for Printing Machines.

Description: Patent for a new and improved ink fountain for printing machines. This design consists in "[t]he combination of the shell-shaped frame having an inclined bottom, a hole in the lower part of the front end wall, and a socket provided with a thumb-screw, a vertical arm passing through the said socket and provided with a clamp at its lower end, a roller for distributing ink, journaled at the front of the shell and vertically adjustable therewith, and the removable reservoir having a gate, an inclin… more
Date: September 29, 1885
Creator: Bomar, Thomas E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Reversible Harness Hame.

Description: Patent for a new and improved hame. This design consists "of wood, properly curved to conform to the configuration of a horse-collar, and having their front and rear sides shaped alike, so that they may be applied interchangeably to the right or left sides to the collar. To accomplish such result [the design] provide[s] each hame with a swiveling trace attachment" (lines 7-14).
Date: September 29, 1885
Creator: Lewis, Lewis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Spring Bed Bottom.

Description: Patent for a new and improved box-spring. This design consists in "[t]he combination of the main frame, the springs having their connecting pieces curved or coiled to form double heart-shaped configurations, the hinged head-rests, the wide bails, movably attached at the ends of their side pieces to the connecting-pieces of the springs at the side edges of the head-rests, and having their middle pieces curved or coiled to form heart-shaped configurations resting upon the tops of the springs of t… more
Date: September 29, 1885
Creator: Bunnell, James F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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