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Momon Furniture Co. Remodel: Sheet 2

Description: First-floor plan for remodeling the Momon Furniture Co. building at 200 E. Broad Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes structural framing details, typical stair construction, a table showing the schedule of doors, detail of toilet partition in the ladies' room, detail of terrazzo at the entrance, the finish of the interior walls and floor, and labeled scale drawings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: October 31, 1945
Creator: Witt & Reinheimer
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

Momon Furniture Co. Remodel: Sheet 7

Description: Sectional detail plan for the first floor of the Momon Furniture Co. building at 200 E. Broad Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes individual diagrams with neat and labeled markings for the FSD picture mould, marquee framing plan, marquee dimension plan, framing section A-A, and elevations and section B.
Date: October 31, 1945
Creator: Witt & Reinheimer
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Hospital: Sheet 14

Description: Photocopy of a foundation plan and first-floor plan for the Negro building of a railway-sponsored hospital in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings, sections, and measurements, with three wards, a dining room, a boiler room, and an engineer room. The drawing also includes a section through the engine room. Scale 1:96 inches.
Date: unknown
Creator: Milligan, Rockwell M.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Hospital: Sheet 15

Description: Photocopy of a roof plan and second-floor plan for the Negro building of a railway-sponsored hospital in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes four wards, a porter's room, bath-toilet, and lockers on the second floor, with markings indicating a composition roof and downspout on the roof plan. The overall drawing includes neatly labeled measurements and markings. Scale 1:96 inches.
Date: unknown
Creator: Milligan, Rockwell M.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 6

Description: Right side elevation plan for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for a shingled roof, GI crickets, C.P. tops, shingles, lattice screen, galvanized iron ridge finials, and slip head woods, along with neatly labeled scale drawings and markings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 7

Description: Left side elevation plan for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for a shingled roof, GI crickets, C.P. tops, shingles, lattice screen, galvanized iron ridge finials, floor lines, ceiling lines along with neatly labeled scale drawings and markings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 8

Description: Rear elevation plan for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for a shingled roof, GI crickets, C.P. tops, shingles, lattice screen, galvanized iron ridge finials, and tin roof standing seam. It also details the casements in front of the dining room, with neatly labeled scale drawings and markings. Scale 1:48 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System

C. A. Johnston Residence: Sheet 9

Description: Section through the porch for a residence at 2015 Beech Street in Texarkana, Arkansas. It includes markings for sheathing, finish flooring, and plaster. It also features a separate diagram of the section through the back porch, with markings for pearl screen wire, siding, baluster, flash, and counter flash around the post. Scale 1:16 inches.
Date: 1912
Creator: Witt, Seibert & Co.
Partner: Texarkana Museum System
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