11 Matching Results

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[Press Release: Gays protest media discrimination]

Description: A press release from the Dallas Gay Political Caucus (DGPC) reporting on two criminals who are self-proclaimed homosexuals do not represent homosexual groups as a whole. They argued that Fort Worth Star-Telegram mentioned the criminals' sexual orientation as a way of prejudice against homosexuals. The second document is also from the DGPC stating against the Dallas Motion Picture Review Board for having a "p" classification to rate homosexuality as a perverse rating.
Date: July 5, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Les Clark to Betty Bray - July 5, 1962]

Description: A letter written to Underwriters General Agency Att. Betty Bray, from Les Clark, Great American of Dallas, Intra-Company Communication, dated July 5, 1962. Subject: Southern County Mutual Policy, Thomas N. Carswell. Clark notes his regret in losing this business.
Date: July 5, 1962
Creator: Clark, Les
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Elaine Harmon to Rigdon and Mary Emma Edwards, July 5, 1993]

Description: Letter from Elaine Harmon to Rigdon and Mary Emma Edwards discussing their appearance on the newspapers, her son's recent marriage, her son's life, a visit to the Dyes Air Force Base, and wanting to review a book.
Date: July 5, 1993
Creator: Harmon, Elaine Danforth
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Rabbi Newton J. Friedman, July 5, 1945]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Rabbi Newton J. Friedman discussing the possibility of getting a campaign manager because there is a need to reach some of the smaller towns in Texas to raise funds for the Hillel Building campaign.
Date: July 5, 1945
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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