44,709 Matching Results

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Search Results

[13th Bomb Squadron Reunion Program, October 5-7, 1984]

Description: Program for the 1984 reunion of the 13th Bomb Squadron of the United States Army Fifth Air Force held by the 13th Squadron Association from Friday, October 5 to Sunday, October 7 in Fairborn, Ohio. The program lists all the events and activities held during the reunion, including fellowship and visitations, invocations and welcomes, memorials, music, speakers, dining, and closings.
Date: 1984-10-05/1984-10-07
Creator: 13th Squadron Association
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

2000 and Beyond: Can the Government Govern?

Description: Text for a speech given by Barbara C. Jordan for the National Association of Purchasing Management in San Antonio, Texas. The speech is about the upcoming end of the 20th century and its implications for the American government.
Date: May 5, 1993
Creator: Jordan, Barbara C.
Partner: Texas Southern University

[2007 Elections for 2008 Board of Directors]

Description: The document requests that TDNA members re-elect one member currently serving on the board of directors and elect either three of four new members depending on who is elected treasurer and who need to fill the spots if the position becomes available.
Date: October 5, 2007
Creator: Texas Daily Newspaper Association
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[2008 Carnival passport sheets]

Description: A document for use during the 2008 Carnival. There are two copies on the page and the logos for UNT and the Multicultural Center are on the front and back pages. Inside are spaces for students to fill out their information and countries to check off as they visit the booths at the event.
Date: August 5, 2008
Creator: University of North Texas. Multicultural Center.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[50th Anniversary Historic Monument Dedication]

Description: Photocopy of a brochure for the Women Airforce Service Pilots 50th anniversary reunion and monument dedication ceremony, with information about the memorial and a brief history of WASP at Avenger Field. A sketched image of the life size WASP statue at Avenger Field can be seen printed on the page.
Date: March 5, 1993
Creator: Women Airforce Service Pilots (U.S.)
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

80th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, House Bill 1, Chapter 1428

Description: Bill introduced by the Texas House of Representatives relating to appropriating money for the support of the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative Branches of the State government, for the construction of State buildings, and for State aid to public junior colleges, for the period beginning September 1, 2007 and ending August 31, 2009; authorizing and prescribing conditions, limitations, rules, and procedures for allocating and expending the appropriated funds; and declaring an emergency. Includ… more
Date: 2007-06-05/2007-06-15
Creator: Texas. Legislature. House of Representatives.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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