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[Client Card: Mr. Tom Allen Jr.]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Mr. Tom Allen Jr., including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. According to the card, Allen ordered a bronze cast of a small female "Head."
Date: January 1966
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum

[Invoice for Moving Expenses]

Description: Invoice to Mrs. D. W. Kempner by Rogers Transfer & Storage Company, including moving furniture from Galveston to Gladstone, New Jersey.
Date: July 20, 1956
Creator: Rogers Transfer & Storage Company
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[List of Furniture]

Description: List of furniture shipped to Mrs. Thorne in New Jersey by type and item amount.
Date: July 17, 1956
Creator: Kempner, Jeane Bertig
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[List of Furniture]

Description: List of furniture shipped to Mrs. Thorne in New Jersey by type and item amount.
Date: July 17, 1956
Creator: Kempner, Jeane Bertig
Partner: Rosenberg Library


Description: Pages listing dates and duties for various individuals employed by D. W. Kempner during a 1955 European trip. Also included are itineraries for D. W. Kempner and Jeane B. Kempner along with contact information and addresses for both while traveling. Another page lists the definition of "medical care" according to Section 23 (x) of the 1939 Code.
Date: {1953,1955}
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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