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[Art Forum Pressbook, 1934-1935]

Description: Pressbook documenting art events in Abilene, Texas, over the year with emphasis on those of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Sixth District. The Art Forum theme for the year was "Miscellaneous Studies in Art." One of the mentioned events was the First Annual Art exhibit of the Forum. Memorabilia from the District Meeting of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs and memos from the Annual Meeting of the Texas Fine Arts organization are included. Several exhibit brochures of events held in Ab… more
Date: 1934/1935
Creator: Carpenter, Allie Mae
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Handwritten Notes]

Description: Paper with handwritten notes on both sides, possibly relating to John Sayles's submission for a law book. The text in the box on the front of the page appears to be a draft of a letter to Mr. Pearson. The back of the page has a diagram of railroad tracks and more handwritten text.
Date: 1934~
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Invoice for Life Insurance Policy, September 1934]

Description: Statement listing information about a life insurance policy covering Perry Sayles. The statement includes the company, due date, and premium due. There is a handwritten note in the center of the statement reading, "Paid by ck, mailed Oct 17 - 34 P.S."
Date: 1934-09~
Creator: Pan-American Life Insurance Company
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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