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[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is octagonal and says, "Good For 1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "C. F. Hellmuth General Merchandise, Nelsonville, Tex."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is dual-colored (gold and silver) and says, "Good for 1.00 in Merchandise, Patd July 1899" on one side; on the other it has the text: "Thompson & Tucker Lumber Co., New Willard, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[$1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is silver-colored, oval-shaped, and says, "Good for $1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "W. D. Keuper, Schulenburg, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is gold-colored, octagonal, and says, "Good for 1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "O'Connor-Swift Company, General Merchants, Tivoli, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[$1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This is a silver-colored octagonal coin that says, "Good for $1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "J. B. Newton & Sons, General Merchants, Milano, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." On one side, this coin says, "Good for 1.00 in Merchandise Only"; on the other side it has the text: "Grogan Manufacturing Company, Not Transferable, G, Gladstell, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[$1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is silver-colored, has the shape of a square cross, and says, "Good for $1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "C. H. Schmidt, Genl. Mdse., Winchester, Tex."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[$1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin says, "Good for $1.00 in Merchandise in Company Store Only" on one side; on the other it has the text: "J. A. Parker Lumber Co., Willis, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is silver-colored and says, "Good for 1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "Joekel & Williams, Giddings, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is silver-colored and says, "Good for 1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "Joekel & Williams, Giddings, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[$1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is silver-colored and says, "Good for $1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "Siegmund & Quitta, Hallettsville, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is silver-colored and says, "Good for 1.00 in Merchandise" on one side; on the other it has the text: "Peoples Supply Company, General Merchandise, Kenedy, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum

[1.00 Merchandise Token]

Description: One of a collection of 244 miscellaneous "Texas Trade Tokens." This coin is dual-colored (silver and gold) and says, "Good for 1.00 in Merchandise, Patd. July 1899" on one side; on the other it has the text: "Texas Long Leaf Lumber Company, New Willard, Texas."
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum
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