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Criminality, Social Disruption and Homosexuality

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality opposing homosexuality. It contains statements and statistics related to homosexuality on a variety of topics.
Date: 1985
Creator: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Child Molestation and Homosexuality

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality containing statements and statistics that oppose homosexuality. It includes headings titled "Do Homosexuals Molest the Underage?" and "Do Homosexual Teachers Betray Their Pupils?" as well as the "ISIS Position Paper on Homosexuality."
Date: 1985
Creator: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

My Program Against AIDS

Description: Campaign materials discussing AIDS, including predictions for the spread of the disease, the text of "A Memorial Bill to Stop AIDS," and an article about AIDS research.
Date: February 7, 1987
Creator: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The Gay Plague: Homosexuality and Disease

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Alert Citizens of Texas opposing homosexuality with the headings: Gay Sex, Gay Disease, AIDS, Gay Sociology, Gay Psychology, The Gay Game Plan, Gay Legal Victories, Get Involved, and References. The text includes statistics and statements on each of the topics.
Date: 1983
Creator: Alert Citizens of Texas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Invitation to join the National March on Washington]

Description: Invitation to join a March on Washington with an image of the U.S. Capitol Building. Printed on the invitation are the words, "Join 1,000,000 Gays for the National March on Washington, October 14. July 9, August 13, September 10." Printed on the pamphlet verso is an explanation of how to support the march and the committee planning it, including an explanation about Harvey Milk's involvement planning the march before his assassination.
Date: 1979
Creator: National March on Washington Committee
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Medical Aspects of Homosexuality

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality containing statements and statistics that oppose homosexuality. It includes a discussion of sexually-transmitted diseases, AIDS, and related topics as well as the "ISIS Position Paper on Homosexuality."
Date: 1985
Creator: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The Psychology of Homosexuality

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality containing statements and statistics that oppose homosexuality. It includes the "ISIS Position Paper on Homosexuality."
Date: 1984
Creator: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Flyer for Gay USA]

Description: This flyer announces one of the meetings in which planning took place for the 1979 March on Washington through the Texas Gay Task Force, as well as a speaking engagement in Dallas at the Royal Coach Inn with Harvey Milk presenting, and the film gay USA shown. Meeting was sponsored by the Texas gay task force five, of which Lee Knapp and Steve Wilkins served as co-chairs.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The Homosexual Plague

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Christian Voice Foundation containing statistics and anti-homosexual statements, with references and Bible verses. It includes topic headings for Gay Disease -- Gay Death, Gay Politics -- Gay Power, Gay Pride - Gay Pity, and Gay Surrender.
Date: 1983
Creator: Allen, Ray
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

What Homosexuals Do (It's More Than Merely Disgusting)

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality containing statements and statistics that oppose homosexuality. It includes a discussion of gay sex, AIDS, and related topics as well as the "ISIS Position Paper on Homosexuality."
Date: 1985
Creator: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Pamphlet: March on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights]

Description: A March on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights pamphlet, containing demands, related events, and a call to action.
Date: October 1987
Creator: National March on Washington Committee
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

What Causes Homosexuality and Can It Be Cured?

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality containing statements and statistics that oppose homosexuality. It includes sections titled "What causes Homosexuality" and "Can Homosexuality Be Cured?" as well as the "ISIS Position Paper on Homosexuality."
Date: 1984
Creator: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Homosexuality: Everybody's Problem

Description: A pamphlet produced by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality containing statements and statistics that oppose homosexuality. It includes a discussion the "homosexual threat" to public health, to children, and to good social order, as well as the "ISIS Position Paper on Homosexuality."
Date: 1985
Creator: Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Commencement Program for North Texas Normal College, 1892]

Description: Commencement program for the 1892 class of Junior Scientifics of the North Texas Normal College. The program includes the order of service.
Date: 1892
Creator: North Texas State Normal College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Commencement Announcement for North Texas State Normal College, May 1910]

Description: Graduation announcement for the commencement ceremony of the 1910 class of North Texas State Normal College. The announcement is a plain sheet of cardstock; in the upper left hand corner, there is a raised image of the school's seal above the text, which reads: "The Senior Class of North Texas State Normal College requests your presence at their Commencement Exercises May twenty-second to twenty-fourth nineteen hundred and ten College Auditorium."
Date: May 1910
Creator: North Texas State Normal College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Commencement Program for North Texas State Normal College, May 26, 1912]

Description: Commencement program for the spring 1912 Baccalaureate class of North Texas State Normal College including the order of service. This program was printed on the back of a map index for Indian Territory and Iowa.
Date: May 1912
Creator: North Texas State Normal College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Commencement Program for North Texas State Normal College, May 28, 1912]

Description: Commencement program for the 1912 graduating class of North Texas State Normal College. The program is a plain sheet of cardstock. The program reads, "North Texas State Normal College. Tuesday, May 28, 1912 10:00 AM. Commencement Exercises. Program. Processional March...Normal Band. Invocation...Rev. F. L. McFadden. May Morning...Flotow. Trio Club. Commencement Address...Dr. W. S. Sutton Austin. Parting Song...Silcher. Orpheus Octette. Awarding Diplomas and Certificates."
Date: May 1912
Creator: North Texas State Normal College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Blank Envelope]

Description: Blank envelope.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Commencement Announcement for North Texas State Normal College, May 1914]

Description: Commencement announcement for the 1914 graduating class of North Texas State Normal College. The announcement is on a plain sheet of card stock and reads, "The graduating class of the North Texas State Normal announces the Commencement Exercises May twenty-first to twenty-sixth nineteen hundred fourteen. Normal Auditorium. Denton, Texas."
Date: May 1914
Creator: North Texas State Normal College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Commencement Program for North Texas State College, May 19, 1917]

Description: Commencement program for the May 1917 graduating class of North Texas State College. The program is a plain sheet of cardstock. The program reads, "Commencement Program May 29, 1917 10:00 AM. College Band. Entrance of the Faculty and the Senior Class. Invocation...Mr. J. R. Swenson. Choruses a. Butterfly Boat...Millocker b. Comin through the Rye...Scotch Junior Girls. Address...President J. D. Sandefer, Simmons College, Abiline. Vocal Duet-Passage Birds' Farewell...Eugene Hildach Mrs. Will T. E… more
Date: May 1917
Creator: North Texas State College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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