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[Transcript of letter from Moses Austin to James E. B. Austin, October 31, 1819]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from Moses Austin to James E. B. Austin sending his son money and commenting on how difficult it is to obtain money at this time. Moses Austin also passes along news of the family to James, letting him know that his mother is well and that Stephen F. Austin and James Bryan are now in Arkansas Territory.
Date: October 31, 1819
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of letters from Mary Austin to Stephen F. Austin and James E. B. Austin, October 5, 1823]

Description: Copy of transcript for letters from Mary Austin to Stephen F. Austin and James E. B. Austin in which Mary relays the information once more of the death of James Bryan and several family friends. Mary also writes of the death of James Austin and expresses her desire to move to Texas.
Date: October 5, 1823
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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