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[Postcard from John Patterson Osterhout to Junia Roberts Osterhout, August 25, 1873]

Description: Postcard from John Patterson Osterhout to his wife, Junia Roberts Osterhout. He wrote his wife to inform her that he had arrived at his mother's, Sarah Osterhout's, home. He included some news about a woman who was sick and that he had received something his wife had sent.
Date: August 25, 1873
Creator: Osterhout, John Patterson
Partner: Austin College

[Postcard from John C. Barr]

Description: Postcard sent from John C. Barr in Jerseyville, IL to Charles B. Moore giving a brief overview of recent events. Mr. Barr notes a visit from a friend and the ripening of fruit plants. Two notes on the front of the card read: "Received May 8 1874" and "4th. 1 inch rain last night."
Date: May 3, 1874
Creator: Barr, John C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Postcard from Ozment's Bank to Diana Watkins]

Description: A postcard written by J.W. Ozment to Diana Watkins notifying the recipient that her payment on a sewing machine was past due. The card was sent from Palestine, TX.
Date: January 27, 1875
Creator: Ozment's Bank
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Soldiers, Business Men, and Children During the Punitive Expedition]

Description: Postcard of an event during the Mexican Revolution. There are men on a stage behind two American flags. There are businessmen and soldiers on the stage looking out. Also on stage there's one woman who can be seen on the right. On the ground in front of the stage there's a row of young boys sitting underneath the flag. The child on the left side of the postcard is leaning against a bike.
Date: February 28, 1879
Creator: Horne, W. H.
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Postcard for Charles B. Moore, March 3, 1879]

Description: They would like to inform them they have a girl at their house. Ganra wants them to come up and take her with them. He was sorry to hear of Alex's death. He says they are well and sends love and also asks for them to write back soon.
Date: March 3, 1879
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Postcard from Ann Farman to Junia Roberts Osterhout, October 28, 1879]

Description: A postcard from Ann Farman to her sister, Junia Roberts Osterhout, expressing Ann's desire to see Junia before she returns home. She told Junia she could not visit yet because her mother was feeling ill and she was disappointed that Junia could not visit.
Date: October 28, 1879
Creator: Farman, Ann
Partner: Austin College

[The "Harvey Girls".]

Description: Postcard image of the "Harvey Girls". Photograph shows three women with dark hair pulled loosely up into a bun, wearing dark blouses with white skirts and bib fronts. They are standing on a wooden platform next to a wooden rail. Banana trees in background. Printed on back of postcard: "The Harvey Girls" Photo source Fred Harvey Produced by Beautyway, Box 87, Flagstaff, AZ 86002 20 Co-Producer Fred Harvey. Fred Harvey acquired the title "civilizer of the West" after 1876 with his series of resta… more
Date: 1880
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Postcard of the DeAnda Family]

Description: Postcard of a portrait of the DeAnda family. Those standing (L-R) are Jose DeAnda, Jesusita DeAnda, Francisco Morales, and Jose Morales, and those sitting (L-R) are Maria DeAnda, Manuel DeAnda, Domitillia DeAnda, Marcella Huereque, and Bernarda DeAnda. There is nothing written on the back of the postcard.
Date: 1880~
Partner: Marfa Public Library

[Postcard from R. Cook to W. A. Morris, June 3, 1880]

Description: Postcard from R. Cook of St. Jo, Texas to W.A. "Bud" Morris of Montague concerning payment in the Frieze case for $5.00 each for him and Hyden, plus $2.50 for a total of $12.50. The postcard mentions that it can be paid by Morris or Levi Perryman to keep someone from staying in jail.
Date: June 3, 1880
Creator: Cook, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Postcard from H. S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, August 23, 1881]

Description: H.S. Moore is having 100 to 102 degree weather and has seen a second comet that was not as bright. Maria is doing better. George Kendall has started picking cotton. He missed two sermons, but received a private sermon from Bro. Noble. He was able to have more of a conversation with him. Bro. Penn was ill. Mrs. Welbom moved to Sasby and is going to keep a boarding house. The prairies have every kind of livestock coming. Owls and skunks are going after chickens. A rooster fell into the hogs' pen.… more
Date: August 23, 1881
Creator: Moore, H. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Postcard image of the Brigham-San Jacinto Monument]

Description: Postcard image (souvenir) of the "Brigham-San Jacinto Monument, As seen at the unveiling on the 26 August, 1881, at the Pavilion, Galveston, Texas". Card has picture of the freestanding monument located in the interior of a building. Monument is draped by the U.S. and Texas flag on its right and left. A statue can be seen in background and a window (glare) above it. Wooden chair on far right.
Date: August 26, 1881
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Postcard for C. B. Moore, January 20, 1882]

Description: The author was glad to hear they were doing well and tells them that he/she sang to Birdie until she fell asleep.
Date: January 20, 1882
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Cavalry Drilling Exercise #2]

Description: Photograph of the drilling cavalry on the Mexican Border. The second cavalryman from the right has his service revolver pointed in the air.
Date: [1883..1921]
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

[Cavalry Drilling Exercise #3]

Description: Photograph of the drilling cavalry on the Mexican Border. The second cavalryman from the right has his service revolver pointed in the air.
Date: [1883..1921]
Creator: Horne, Walter H., 1883-1921
Partner: El Paso Public Library

Commercial Avenue, Looking North, Coleman, Texas

Description: Postcard featuring Commercial Avenue looking north towards the Coleman Courthouse. A mule team is in the center of the street and wagons are in front of stores on either side of the road.
Date: 1883~
Partner: Coleman Public Library

Court House and Jail, Coleman, Texas

Description: Postcard of the courthouse and jail of Coleman, Texas. The image has been colorized, with the roof of the courthouse building tinted pink.
Date: 1883~
Creator: Bradford and Co.
Partner: Coleman Public Library
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