225 Matching Results

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[1921-22 Lewisville High School basketball team]

Description: 1921-22 Lewisville High School basketball team coach, Lee Preston, is pictured with six team members in uniforms on steps in front of a brick building. The team members are arranged in an inverted V with Coach Preston at the apex. On the top right, to Coach Preston's left, is Sulton John Boyd who went on to play football at North Texas State University.
Date: 1921~
Partner: Denton Public Library

[1921 Ahavath Sholom's First Confirmation Class]

Description: In 1921, Fort Worth’s Congregation Ahavath Sholom introduced the rite of Confirmation, the graduation from religious school that coincides with the Jewish holiday Shavuos when Moses received the Ten Commandments. This picture shows the twelve, 14-year-old girls in the Confirmation class wearing white dresses, holding flowers and certificates rolled up like scrolls. The students are seated in two rows and are identified as: Row 1: Lena Shosid (Cooles), Fannie Herman, unidentified, Hannah Byre… more
Date: 1921~
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[1921 Birdville School]

Description: Photograph of the students of Birdville School in 1921 all posing together in front of the brick building outside. Two students are on bikes and the others are either standing or sitting on the ground.
Date: 1921
Partner: Birdville Historical Society

[1921 Confirmation Class]

Description: Photograph of adolescent boys and girls gathered for a group picture, which was taken during their confirmation ceremony in Danevang, Texas. They are just to the right of a church wall, which has five visible windows with pointed tops. They are all dressed in formal attire. The boys wear dark suits and the girls, all in the front row, wear light-colored dresses with cinched waists. Some names have been provided, but they have not been matched properly to individual positions in the image.
Date: 1921
Partner: Danish Heritage Preservation Society

1921 Flood Washburn Street

Description: Photograph of the 1921 flood with men standing where Washburn Street had been washed away by flood waters.
Date: 1921
Partner: Taylor Public Library

1921 Lewisville High School Football Team

Description: 1921 Lewisville High School football team coach, Lee Preston, is pictured with thirteen mostly unidentified members in front of the school building. The players are lined up in three rows: the first row is one member sitting Indian-style on the ground, row two has six members sitting up on both knees, and the back row consists of six players standing. Coach Preston is standing fourth from the left in the back row. The only identified team member is Sulton John Boyd, who is on the back row, seco… more
Date: 1921~
Partner: Denton Public Library

[1921 Longview High School Graduating Class]

Description: Photograph of the 1921 graduating class of Longview High School in Longview, Texas. The unidentified students are standing and sitting in front of a brick building. The young girls are wearing white dresses and hats, and they are holding bouquets. The young men are wearing suits and ties.
Date: 1921
Partner: Longview Public Library

[Album page with five photos "fair/parade"]

Description: Photograph of an early family album page with five photographs of different members of the Cuellar family. The front page, on the left side, there are two men paddling on a boat at an unidentified lake. The men wear a white shirt, a straw boater hat, and trousers. On the right side, a group of women (about twenty) and girls wearing similar dresses and a matching sash, stand in front of a fair. On the back of the page, on the left, a group of people stand next to car in front of a building. Fou… more
Date: 1921
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Album page with portraits]

Description: Photograph of an early family album page with family portraits and photographs of different members of the Cuellar family. The top of the front page displays twenty-seven facial portraits of men and women from the Cuellar family. Adhesive can still be seen where the some photographs are missing. On the bottom left of the front page, two women and a girl stand in front of a crop field. On the right side of the front page, a woman with a necklace and light-colored blouse sits in front of a blank … more
Date: September 1921
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Alvarado Texas town square]

Description: Photograph of cars parked along and women standing in the street at the Alvarado, Texas town square during a celebration.
Date: April 21, 1921
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Alvarado Texas town square, 2]

Description: Photograph of cars parked along and women standing in the street at the Alvarado, Texas town square during a celebration.
Date: April 21, 1921
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Annaway DeVolin

Description: Photograph of Annaway DeVolin, school teacher at Horse Creek, Texas in 1921. She is seated outside. This photo was included in a research paper by Cynthia Lee Rogers for an American History class at Marfa High School.
Date: 1921
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Arnold Juhl in Baseball Uniform

Description: Copy negative of Arnold Juhl dressed in a baseball uniform. He is sitting in an automobile with his knees up and looking to the side.
Date: 1921
Partner: Danish Heritage Preservation Society

At the Bay

Description: Copy negative of Margaret Juhl and her husband Arnold Juhl sitting on the beach at the East Bay in Palacios, Texas.
Date: 1921
Partner: Danish Heritage Preservation Society

[At the Texas City dock in 1921]

Description: A group of three women and two men, posed on the Texas City Dock. Two men wearing dark suits and hats sit or crouch on top of the pilings to the right of the picture. The three ladies, dressed in stoles or jackets, hats and long dresses stand on the dock. On the back of the photograph is written: "Terry, Morton, Gustavos, Walker T.C. Docks." William R. Blocker is also in the photograph.
Date: 1921
Partner: Moore Memorial Public Library

[At the Texas City Sulphur Dock in 1921]

Description: Three women and two men, stand posing at the foot of a large pile on the docks near the SeaTrain loading crane in Texas City. The men are dressed in dark suits, ties and hats and the women are dressed in formal or dressy clothes and hats. On the back of the photograph is written: "Morton, Terry, Gustavos, Walker and Co. Sulfur Dock. T.C." William R. Blocker is also in the photograph.
Date: 1921
Partner: Moore Memorial Public Library

[Baby Charles sitting in the grass]

Description: Photograph of Charles Williams as a baby. The image is very blurry, but Charles is wearing a white outfit and is sitting in the grass outside of a brick building.
Date: [1921..1923]
Creator: Williams, Byrd M. (Byrd Moore), Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Baby With Chickens and Cat

Description: Copy print of a baby sitting in the middle of empty plot of land amidst a circle of chickens. The baby, identified as Johanna Larsen, holds an unidentified object in her hands while looking at a cat in front of her. In the very distance, a structure can be seen among some trees and a field of crops off to the left.
Date: 1921
Partner: Danish Heritage Preservation Society

[A blurry image of the Williams brothers]

Description: Photograph of the Byrd Williams III posing in the family's backyard with his brothers Charles and John. The image is very blurry and the details of the photograph are hard to discern. The boys are all wearing white button up shirts and are standing at the back of the yard in front of a chair. Also behind them is a shed that has two tubs hanging on its wall and there is also a wooden post fence to the right of the shed. There are plants lining the fence and there are houses visible behind the fe… more
Date: [1921..1935]
Creator: Williams, Byrd M. (Byrd Moore), Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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