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[Seaholm Power Plant]

Description: Photograph of the Seaholm Power Plant at 800 West Cesar Chavez Street. The plant has a water tower, vent stacks, and railroad tracks crossing the foreground of the image. The plant is surrounded by a short, chain-link fence on all sides except where the main gate is open on the right side of the image. The plant was constructed during the 1930s and was eventually demolished in the 1960s.
Date: July 27, 1936
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[Austin City Administration, 1881]

Description: Photograph of Austin city administration: Standing L to R: J.W. Howard, Treasurer; C.D. Johns, Attorney; Ben Thompson, City Marshall; E.B. Connell, City Clerk; - Sitting L to R: Fred A. Sterzing, City Assessor; Mayor L.M. Crooker; Dr. R.H.L. Bibb, Physician. The city was incorporated in 1836 when Republic of Texas Vice President Mirabeau B. Lamar proposed that the state capital, then located in Houston, be moved to the area that sat just north of the Colorado River in the township then called … more
Date: 1881
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library
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