37 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance November 13th between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

Search Results

[Appel Studio]

Description: Photograph of some of Doris Appel's Hall of Medicine sculptures in a studio or workshop. The sculpture in the foreground is being held up by several wooden beams and appears to have fencing or netting on the back of it.
Date: unknown
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Appel with Sigerist at Johns Hopkins]

Description: Photograph of sculptor, Doris Appel, standing with medical historian, Henry Sigerist, near a large entrance passage at Johns Hopkins Institute. Sigerist is standing on the left with his right arm raised to wave at the camera and Appel is on the right holding multiple items in her arms, positioned facing Sigerist while smiling back at the camera.
Date: unknown
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Appel Sculpting Fleming]

Description: Photograph of Alexander Fleming sitting in a suit and bow tie while Doris Appel, whose arm only is visible, sculpts his likeness to the right. Handwriting below the photo reads, "Sir Alexander Fleming & me!"
Date: unknown
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Scrapbook Page of Doris Appel and Sir Alexander Fleming]

Description: Scrapbook page featuring photos of Doris Appel, Sir Alexander Fleming, and an unknown woman gathered on the porch of a house. Doris appears to be working on a canvas next to a seated Alexander Fleming in several of the photos. Writing at the bottom of the page reads, "Sir Alexander Fleming - At home of Dr. Roger Lee President of AMA Cambridge 1953".
Date: 1953~
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Appel with Historians Sigerist and Castiglioni]

Description: Photograph Doris Appel, Henry E. Sigerist, a reporter from the Baltimore Sun, and Arturo Castiglioni walking through a garden area side by side. The photo is attached to a piece of brown paper, on which each member of the group is labeled. The paper appears to be an inside cover page from Sigerist's book, Civilization and Disease. There is a note from Sigerist to Appel on the page that reads, "To Doris Appel whose creations are a great contribution to civilization. Mr. Sigerist."
Date: unknown
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Sculpture of Surgeon]

Description: Photograph of Doris Appel's sculpture, "Surgery", a figure of a doctor with his arms raised as if operating on an unseen patient. An address label is adhered to the bottom right corner of the photo along with the title of the sculpture.
Date: unknown
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT
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