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[Portrait of Hazel Harvey Peace]

Description: Photograph of Hazel Harvey Peace, an African-American educator and long-time Fort Worth resident. She is seated in a wooden chair, with her hands folded over a closed children's book in her lap. Other books are visibly displayed on library shelves behind her.
Date: May 2004
Creator: Reynolds, Jonathan
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[DFW road map]

Description: A map of roads in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with three highways (20, 35E, and 35W) highlighted in green.
Date: 2002
Creator: Maloney, Chad
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

In High Places

Description: Photograph of the "In High Places" statue by Gerald Balciar. The statue was placed on the UNT campus during the university's centennial year, 1990. This image is a close-up of the eagle's head,1999.
Date: 1999
Creator: Balciar, Gerald
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

In High Places

Description: Photograph of the "In High Places" statue by Gerald Balciar. The statue was placed on the UNT campus during the university's centennial year, 1990. This image is a close-up of the eagle's head, 1999.
Date: 1999
Creator: Balciar, Gerald
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Chilton Hall interior view from 2nd floor]

Description: Photograph of the inside of Chilton Hall on the University of North Texas campus, taken from the second floor. The lower level of the building is visible in the bottom portion of the photograph, containing entrance doors along the back wall, two vending machines and a statue along the left wall, and a small seating area on the right. The second and third floors of the building can be seen in the upper portion of the photograph. Windows line the walls of the upper levels.
Date: 2003/2005
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Exterior view of Library Annex]

Description: Photograph of the exterior of the UNT Library Annex, taken from a left side angle. The front side of the building is visible in the central portion of the photograph, facing to the right of the camera. Visitor parking spots can be seen in the foreground.
Date: March 8, 2001
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[North Side of McConnell Memorial Tower, 2]

Description: Photograph of the Hurley Administration Building and McConnell Memorial Tower. The tower can be seen in the center of the photograph, framed by tree branches and leaves in the foreground. The rest of the Administration Building is being covered by rows of trees.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Exterior view of Hurley Administration Building from North, 2]

Description: Photograph of the north side of the Hurley Administration Building and McConnell Memorial Tower. The building can be seen in the central portion of the image, behind rows of trees. Individuals are walking along the sidewalk in front of the building.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["In High Places" statue in front of Hurley Administration Building, 12]

Description: Photograph of the "In High Places" statue by Gerald Balciar in front of the Hurley Administration Building. The statue consists of an eagle soaring to the left of the camera. Its pedestal is out of frame. The top of McConnell Memorial Tower is visible above the treeline in the background of the photograph.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Hurley Administration Building pediment, 1]

Description: Photograph of a pediment on the north side of the Hurley Administration Building. The words, "ADMINISTRATION B[UILDING]," have been engraved into an entablature, visible above a series of columns in front of the main entrance. The entrance door is out of frame.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[McConnell Memorial Tower above trees, 5]

Description: Photograph of the McConnell Memorial Tower at the Hurley Administration Building. The top portion of the tower is peeking out from behind a row of trees; the rest of the building is covered. Tree branches and leaves can be seen above the tower in the foreground of the photograph. The University of North Texas logo has been edited onto the bottom left corner of the image.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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