447 Matching Results

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[Portrait of Irving Davis]

Description: Portrait of Irving Davis, visible from the chest up, wearing a dark-colored U.S. Army uniform with large brass buttons – embossed with the Great Seal of the United States – along the front and two pockets on the front of the jacket, over his chest. A handwritten note below the photograph, on the mat, identifies him as "Irving Davis."
Date: unknown
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis

[Portrait of John Draper]

Description: Portrait of John Draper with his hat tilted and left hand on his tip. This photograph shows him from the thighs and up. Text on the back reads: "John Draper...died WW1...John Draper from Daniel F. Draper estate."
Date: unknown
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis

[Clara and Frank Maresh]

Description: Clara and Frank Maresh dressed in WWI Red Cross and Army uniforms for the funeral of their uncle Frank Maresh's funeral in Sealy, TX Clara is wearing a white dress with white nurse habit on her head. She is holding a white flag with cross on it. Frank is wearing a army uniform and is holding an American flag. Scanned image is of the copy.
Date: 1918
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Herman Stricklin and Friend]

Description: Photograph of Herman Stricklin and a friend during World War I. Stricklin sits on the ground, and his friend sits on his shoulders. Stricklin's hat is placed to the left. Bushes or trees can be seen in the background. The photograph was purchased at the Abel estate sale in Waco.
Date: 1918
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis
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