311 Matching Results

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Search Results

[Lucky Corner filling station]

Description: Photograph of the Lucky Corner filling station. The station was a Conoco service station owned and operated by the Langford brothers, Jimmy and Billy Langford, until they retired and closed the station. Handwriting on the back of the photograph identifies some of the people pictured, and states that the station was operated by Harrison and was at the intersection of U. S. Highway 83 and 15th Street in Wellington, Texas. There are also notes about the history of the building on the back of the p… more
Date: 1936
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Collingsworth Motor Company]

Description: Photograph of the Ford Dealership at the Collingsworth Motor Company. There are five cars parked inside of a large garage. Two men in suits and hats are standing near a door at the end of the garage. The operator of the dealership is identified as Kelly Pigg.
Date: [1947..1948]
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Etha Pruden at the Pruden Drug Store]

Description: Photograph of a woman identified as Etha Pruden standing inside the doorway of the Pruden Drug Store at night. She is wearing a long, dark-colored skirt and a blazer, and looking towards the camera. Various products can be seen on shelves and in displays inside the store.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Andy McDonald's Cafe and Bakery]

Description: Photograph of the interior of Andy McDonald's Cafe and Bakery on the South side of the square in Wellington, Texas. Two men are standing behind a counter with bar stools on the left side of the photograph. There is a small boy standing by a table and looking towards the camera.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Bank in Wellington]

Description: Photograph of the interior of a bank in Wellington, Texas. It has a tiled floor and coffered ceiling. There are two men working on typing machines or registers in the middle of the room, and a man wearing a suit and tie in a doorway.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[J. C. Dean Store]

Description: Photograph of the interior of the J. C. Dean Store. There are three men wearing hats standing in the center of the photograph, looking at some of the store's products. There are stocked shelves and glass display cases with various goods inside of them.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Johnny Wallace Store]

Description: Photograph of the interior of the Johnny Wallace Store on the West side of the Wellington square. Five men are standing behind the counter next to a rack of suits. There are shelves with clothing on them on the right side of the photograph.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Stall Dry Goods Store]

Description: Photograph of the interior of Stall Dry Goods Store. There is a group of people standing behind glass display cases, looking towards the camera. The men on the left side of the photograph are identified as L. H. Stall and John Wells, and two people on the right side of the photograph are identified as Mrs. E. M. Hix and May Godfrey.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Palace Drug Store]

Description: Photograph of a group of people standing in the Palace Drug Store. They are identified from left to right as Dr. C. E. High (who had an office above the drug store); Dr. Moss; Lester Benge; Tom Benge; Mrs. Tom Benge; Jack Hurst; and Sandy Parson. The store was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Benge.
Date: 1931
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Fleet Pruden Drug Store]

Description: Photograph of the interior of the Fleet Pruden Drug Store. There are five people in the store and one man behind the counter, and they are all looking towards the camera. The man standing behind the counter is identified as Fleet Pruden.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Sid Jones Hardware Store]

Description: Photograph of the interior of the Sid Jones Hardware Store. Six men are in the store and are facing towards the camera. There are tall shelves on both sides of the store that are stocked with various hardware supplies, and a bike is sitting in the middle of the room. Handwriting on the back of the photograph states that the store was located in Wellington, Texas, and identifies the man in the dark shirt as Cleburne Jones.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Curtner Drug Store]

Description: Photograph of the inside of the Curtner Drug Store. Two people are looking at products in a glass display in the center of the store. Three other men are standing behind the counters in the background. Handwriting on the back of the photograph states that the man on the left with the dark cup is Ruel Curtner, and the man on the right with the dark hat is "Papa" Curtner.
Date: 1910/1915
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Texas Wholesale Company railroad car #1]

Description: Postcard of a Texas Wholesale Company tank on a railroad bed. There are five men and a young boys standing or sitting on beams propped against the tank and a second young boy standing on the ground in front of the tank. Handwriting at the top of the image says "unloading Tanks for Texas Co. Wholesale 1910" and one person appears to be labeled "Ralph." There are also handwritten notes on the back of the postcard including a description that says "only way unload heavy tank, B. F. Ball & boys wi… more
Date: 1910
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Texas Wholesale Company railroad car #2]

Description: Postcard of a Texas Wholesale Company tank on a railroad bed. There are five men and a young boys standing or sitting on beams propped against the tank and a second young boy standing on the ground in front of the tank. Handwriting at the top of the image says "First Gasoline tank to arrive in Wellington. Come in on train. (1)."
Date: 1910
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Texas Wholesale Company gasoline tank]

Description: Postcard of a large gasoline tank from the Texas Wholesale Company. It has been hauled off of a train and is resting on the ground. There is a group of men and children standing in front of the tank, behind railroad tracks. A man on the left side of the photograph is holding the reins of two horses. Small houses can be seen in the background.
Date: 1910
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Trout and Talley reunion]

Description: Postcard of the Trout and Talley reunion. The photograph is taken outdoors, in front of the door of Charlie Trout's house in Dodsonville, Texas. Handwriting on the back of the postcard identifies the individuals in the third row as Effie (Tyler) Trout, Charlie Trout, Bill Hays, and Clarence Talley holding Oliver Trout; in the second row is Jim and Otho Talley, Susie, Margie, and Vergie Trout, and Annie Talley; and in the first row is Bessie Talley, Gerald Trout, and Olen Trout.
Date: 1914
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Grocery store display]

Description: Photograph of Ernest Lewis standing next to a display in his grocery store, Lewis Grocery. The store was located on the Southeast corner of the square in Wellington, Texas. He is wearing a suit and tie, and looking towards the camera. The display is a tall pyramid of Prince Albert 10 cent cans.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Buggy and two horses in parade]

Description: Photograph of a buggy and two horses during a 4th of July Parade. The individuals in the buggy are identified as Mr. and Mrs. Joiner, owners of the Livery Stable. Two girls on the left side of the photograph are seated on the other horses and dressed as Native Americans. The horses have banners across their backs that cover the tops of their heads. The Presbyterian Tabernacle can be seen in the background above the neck of the horse that is second from the left.
Date: July 4, 1909
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Group of men in new car]

Description: Postcard of five men seated in a new car. They are all wearing light shirts, dark pants, and hats. One man has his hand on the steering wheel and is looking off to the side. There are trees and fences in the background. Handwriting on the back of the postcard identifies the names of each individual.
Date: 1909
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Pioneer family and wagon]

Description: Photograph of a pioneer family standing in front of a small house. There is one man standing with three women, one of which is holding a baby. An uncovered wagon with two horses hitched to it is in front of the house, with some belongings inside of it.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Woman and horse]

Description: Photograph of an unidentified woman standing next to a saddled horse. She is wearing a long skirt and coat and a large brimmed hat. There is a wooden building in the background with tools leaned up against the side, and a small dog behind the horse. Handwriting on the back of the photograph labels the saddle as a side saddle.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum

[Mules for constructing railroad]

Description: Photograph of four mules for constructing a railroad that are reined and pulling what appears to be a plow. There is a man in a dark outfit and black hat holding the reins of the mules and standing behind them. There are plains in the background.
Date: unknown
Partner: Collingsworth County Museum
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