179 Matching Results

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Search Results

[Center City Group]

Description: Photograph of a group of men and women posed together on a steep, rocky hillside with shrubbery around them. A label taped to the photo mat reads, "Center City Bunch", and "C.C. Bunch" is written on the back of the mat along with an illegible name.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Light Plant Workers]

Description: Photograph of a group of men in hats and dirty coveralls grouped together in a tin building with chains, vehicles, and machinery visible in the background. A sign is hanging above the group in the top left that reads, "No smoking in this building". Handwritten notes on the bottom edge of the the photo and on the back all read, "Joe and Crew at Lightplant".
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Liveoak School 1907]

Description: Photograph of adults and children posed into three rows in a field with a treeline in the background. A label attached to the bottom edge of the photo reads, "Liveoak School...1907, courtesy Abbye Boatwright." and "Live Oak school 1907" is written in pencil beneath it.
Date: 1907
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Clements-Woody Drug Store]

Description: Photograph of five people standing behind a counter at Clements-Woody drugstore. Various advertisement signs and merchandise are visible on the wall in the background, including ads for companies such as Coca Cola and Dr. Pepper. The people are labeled on the back of the photo from left to right as David Owen Clements, Francis Kauhs, Nelda Stenke, Rhonda Robinson, and Bill Woody.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Charles Frizzell in Tool Shed]

Description: Photograph of Charles Frizzell posing in what appears to be a tool shed or workshop with two pliers in his hands gripping large gauged wire. Text on the back of the photo reads, "Charles Frizzell, Lineman for telephone co. in Goldthwaite, Oct. 30, 1893 - Nov. 7, 1965 US Navy WWI".
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Rock Springs School House 1967]

Description: Photograph of a small, gable-roofed, wood building in a grassy area with trees partially visible around the perimeter, and a more prominent tree visible in the right foreground. A man and woman are standing in front of an entrance to the building and are labeled on the card the photo is adhered to as, "Chlos (Stark) and husband Ernest Hagan". Names of former teachers who taught at the school house are also listed on the card.
Date: 1967
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Goldthwaite High School Postcard]

Description: Postcard of a three story brick building stood alone in a field with barbed wire fencing visible in the foreground. Handwriting on the bottom edge of the photo reads, "High School Goldthwaite Tex." Handwriting on the back of the photo reads, "Goldwaith High School Bldg."
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Goldthwaite Football Team]

Description: Photograph of a group of teenage boys in football uniforms grouped into three rows with the bottom row sitting on the ground. The team's coach is standing to the right in a dark sweater and dark pants with a light colored, thick collar. The member in the bottom center is holding a football with the letters G.H.S. written on it. The names of the members and coach are listed on the back of the photo.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[A. R. Whisenhunt in Downtown Mullin]

Description: Photograph of A. R. Whisenhunt standing near the back end of a pickup truck with no tailgate. He is wearing denim overalls and a snap-back cap while holding a rattlesnake in one hand and a rabbit in the other. A building in the background has a sign that reads, "Downtown Grocery". Signs for Pepsi and Coca Cola are also visible in the background to the right and to the far left, respectively.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Rhythm Band 1942]

Description: Photograph of a group of school children from Goldthwaite Elementary school, all wearing matching capes and pillbox hats, and posed into three rows in front of a brick building. A typed label on the back of the photo lists the names of the children by row.
Date: 1942
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[The First Fire at Goldthwaite 1892]

Description: Photograph of people loosely gathered in an open area of town with carts, horses, and various material items scattered about. Musical instruments are visible on tables in the right foreground, and several buildings are visible throughout the background.
Date: 1892
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Regency Bridge]

Description: Faded photograph taken facing down the center of a suspension bridge, with cables and rectangular framework visible both in the foreground and at the opposite end of the bridge in the background. "Regency Bridge" is written twice on the back.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Clements Drugstore]

Description: Photograph of three men standing side by side to the left of a store counter with a typewriter. The wall in the right background is shelved with various small bottles, and a stack of papers is hanging from clips in the right foreground. The men are identified on the back as Dave Clements, R. E. Clements, and W. P. Bill Woody.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Postcard of First Mills County Courthouse]

Description: Postcard of a two or three story stone courthouse with a Mansard style roof top positioned in a town square, with a few small businesses and a valley visible in the background. Several horse-drawn buggies are around the courthouse in the foreground and to the left and right. Text on the bottom edge reads, "Mills Co. Court House, Goldthwaite, Texas." Handwriting is partially visible on the back of the postcard.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Goldthwaite Eagle Printing Office]

Description: Photograph of a printing office in Goldthwaite with several type setting stations visible throughout the space and a large printing press in the center of the room. Three men stand in the back of the room, the one on the left wearing a dark waistcoat and light colored shirt and the two on the right wearing hats and aprons over their attire. A typed note is adhered to the bottom edge of the photo card that reads, "Goldthwaite Eagle about 1910. R. M. Thompson & printers. Notice no electric lights… more
Date: 1910~
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Rye Valley School 1886-1888]

Description: Photocopy of a group of students of varying ages posed on the porch of a wooden building. Several of the children sitting on a bench in the foremost row are barefoot and most are holding hats in their laps. Older students are standing to the right in the top row, most of them young women in long-sleeved, patterned dresses with their hair tied up in buns. A young man is standing to the left of the top row, wearing a dark suit.
Date: [1886..1888]
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Emma Louise Schwartz Jeske and Unknown]

Description: Photograph of two women wearing light colored dresses with dark shoes and stockings, both holding sunhats covered in flowers. They are standing side by side with a wooden shed or barn visible in the background. Text on the back of the photo states the woman on the right is Emma Louise Schwartz Jeske.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Circus Coming to Goldthwaite, Texas]]

Description: Photograph of circus wagons and performers riding through the town of Goldthwaite, Texas. The photo is taken facing east on Fourth street, where two large, horse drawn carriages and several riders on horseback are visible and headed towards the right foreground.
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Hallmark Private School]

Description: Photograph of a small group of young adults or teenagers gathered on the covered porch and steps of a wooden building. A board path is leading away from the steps and into the right foreground. A typed label attached to the photo reads, "Hallmark Private School". Handwriting on the back of the photo appears partially cut off and reads, "Allmark School - Goldthwaite, Tx Billie Weatherly Ledbetter".
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Star Basketball Team Postcard]

Description: Postcard of a group of teenage girls and one teenage boy or young man with a label adhered to the bottom edge that reads, "Star Basketball Team, about 1925, courtesy Maureen Soules". The girls wearing bows in their hair, light colored shirts, and dark neckties, skirts, and stockings, while the male on the right is in dark pants and a dark coat, holding a basketball. Each member of the group has their left foot raised with letters written on the soles of their feet that spell out "B-A-S-K-E-T-Ba… more
Date: 1925~
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Center City Singing Group]

Description: Photograph of a group of men, women and one toddler posing outdoors with song books. An automobile is visible in the background to the right. A note is stapled to the photo labeling the members, titled, "Center City Singing Group".
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Postcard of Business Section Looking South on Fisher Street]

Description: Postcard looking down a street in Goldthwaite, with cars parked in both the foreground to the right and to the left in the background. Storefronts are visible in the right foreground and head into the background down the street with signage for business brands such as Chevrolet and the Piggly Wiggly on many of them. More cars are driving on the street in the distance, and text printed across the bottom left of the card reads, "Business Section on Hi-Way Goldthwaite, Texas".
Date: unknown
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library

[Courthouse Staff]

Description: Photograph of a group of courthouse staff members standing in front of the doors of a brick building. The women are lined up in the foremost row while the men are in rows in the back.
Date: October 21, 1946
Partner: Jennie Trent Dew Library
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