531 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance January 21st between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

Search Results

Roy Eldridge in performance

Description: Photograph of Roy Eldridge in performance with a bassist, drummer, and tenor saxophonist. An unidentified musician is partially visible at the right edge of the image. The initials "CF" are inside a small heart shape on the bass drum.
Date: unknown
Partner: Sherman Jazz Museum

Illinois Jacquet and bassist

Description: Photograph of tenor saxophonist Illinois Jacquet and an unidentified bassist in performance. A drummer is partly visible in the background. The number 923 is printed on the back of this photo and others from the same event.
Date: unknown
Partner: Sherman Jazz Museum

Roy Eldridge

Description: Photograph of Roy Eldridge, possibly at a shooting range. He appears to be aiming a rifle as another man with a rifle looks on from the left, and two other men look on behind him.
Date: unknown
Partner: Sherman Jazz Museum

Man on the phone

Description: Photograph of an unidentified man talking on the telephone, holding the receiver to his left ear with his shoulder. A map is behind him. There is a newspaper and many other objects on the table, including another telephone. A turntable may be behind his left shoulder.
Date: unknown
Partner: Sherman Jazz Museum
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