248 Matching Results

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Street view of Juan Linn Street, Victoria, Texas

Description: Photograph of downtown Victoria, Texas in 1910 looking from Juan Linn Street. Buildings visible: F. M. Fossati Cosmopolitan Saloon; Armour and Co.; St. Joseph's Academy [where Post office now stands in 2009]; other buildings. Horses and buggies crowd the street.
Date: October 1, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

A morning shoot [at] Circle Bayou

Description: Photograph of three men standing in a campsite at Circle Bayou. The fowl and other animals they shot that morning are hung on a rope. L. F. Jecker stands on the right.
Date: January 20, 1911
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Oldest house in Port O'Connor

Description: Photograph of a house identified as the oldest house in Port O'Connor, Texas. The house is a small wooden, unpainted structure with an unpainted picket fence surrounding it.
Date: March 25, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Catholic cemetery

Description: Photograph of a tombstone in a Catholic cemetery, Victoria, Texas. The inscription reads "Our Beloved Daughter Teresa M. Fossati Born April 5, 1887 Died September 9, 1905 Gone But Not Forgotten." The tombstone is a statue of an angel holding a cross.
Date: 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Mrs. R. E. Ward

Description: Photograph of Helen (Mitchell) Ward, sitting in a rocker on a porch. She is the daughter of J. D. and Agnes Mitchell who married Russell E. Ward.
Date: unknown
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Helen and Neville Jr.

Description: Photograph of a woman and a child, Helen and Neville Jr. They are standing outside in a fenced yard. Other houses can be seen.
Date: February 2, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Pushing cattle from big corral into small pen

Description: Photograph of cattle being herded into pens at Welder Ranch. Two cowboys on horses can be seen working this large herd. Fence posts run horizontally along the back of the scene and in the distance beyond the fencing is open flat plain.
Date: June 22, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Bug hunters['] camp [at] Circle Bayou

Description: Photograph of a campsite at Circle Bayou in Victoria County. A man sits on a camp stool in a wooded area. A tent and buggy stand in the background. A body of water is behind the campsite.
Date: March 23, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Allnoch kids at pump house

Description: Photograph of three children standing in front of a brick building identified as as a pump house. The children are grandchildren of J. D. and Agnes Ward Mitchell. Their parents are Fred J. and Rebecca (Mitchell) Allnoch.
Date: June 15, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Dinner at Guadalupe, returning from beef hunting trip to Calhoun County

Description: Photograph of an unidentified man standing near the back of a two-horse buggy. In his hand is a cup he is lifting to drink from. The back of the buggy is a chuck wagon, with what is probably a hinged board for a work table and compartments for storage of supplies. The front of the buggy, where the riders sit, has an umbrella for covering. In the distance behind the man can be seen several housing structures and a body of water.
Date: March 27, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Cattle turning back in dipping vat

Description: Photograph of cattle that have been herded into a dipping vat for treatment for ticks. Some have tried to turn back for the entrance. The caption says that two of them drowned.
Date: June 22, 1910
Creator: Mitchell, J. D.
Partner: Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library
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