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[National March on Washington - Colored Poster]

Description: Color poster for the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. The main part of the poster has an image of the U.S. Capitol Building dome and the words "GayNation.INFO. National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. 11 October 1987. Dial (213) March 87." There is a statement written below supporting equal rights for homosexual couples.
Date: 1987
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas poster from the March On Washington (signature close up)]

Description: Detail view of part of a poster from the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. Part of the "ALL" from the word "Dallas" written down the center of the poster is visible, with signatures written around the letters.
Date: April 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas poster from the March On Washington]

Description: Poster from the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. There is a pink pegasus at the top of the poster, above the word "Dallas" written down the center of the poster with the text for the March at the bottom. The poster has signatures around the text and is set on a brown mat.
Date: April 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas poster from the March On Washington]

Description: Poster from the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. There is a pink pegasus at the top of the poster, above the word "Dallas" written down the center of the poster with the text for the March at the bottom. The poster has signatures around the text.
Date: April 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas poster from the March On Washington (stamp close up)]

Description: Detail view of the lower-right part of a "Dallas" poster. There is a pink circle with the text "I was COUNTED! April 25th, 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation." "1993" is written below the circle and signatures are partially visible on the poster background.
Date: April 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas poster from the March On Washington (full view)]

Description: Poster from the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. There is a pink pegasus at the top of the poster, above the word "Dallas" written down the center of the poster with the text for the March at the bottom. The poster has signatures around the text and is framed on a brown mat.
Date: April 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Close-Up of Gay Games IV Poster]

Description: Close-up view of part of a poster that has an illustration of a torch above the words "Gay Games IV."
Date: 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Close-Up of Gay Games IV Unity Poster]

Description: Close-up view of part of a poster advertising of the Gay Games IV in 1994. There is a picture of the Statue of Liberty above the words, "Unity '94 New York City. For Registration or Other Information on The Games Call 212-633-9494." Logos for sponsors are printed along the bottom.
Date: 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Theatre Royal Playbill]

Description: One-page announcement of plays to be performed January 25, 1798 at the Drury Lane Theatre, London. The first advertisement reads: "Never Acted. Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. This present Thursday January 25, 1798, Their Majesties Servants will perform a New Comedy in Five acts called Knave or Not" (followed by a list of actors), "To which will be added (8th time) a new Grand Dramatick Romance called Blue-Beard; Or, Female Curiosity! The Scenery, Machinery, Dresses, and Decorations, entirely n… more
Date: 1798
Creator: Drury Lane Theatre.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dallas Gay Political Caucus Flyer]

Description: Flyer for a roller skating party hosted by the Dallas Gay Political Caucus on May 18th, 1977 to support the Miami Gay Community after public remarks by Anita Bryant, who was known at the time for her anti-gay statements.
Date: 1977-04~
Creator: Dallas Gay Political Caucus
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[21.06 Bar Flyer]

Description: Flyer from the Dallas Gay Alliance announcing a two-for-one special at a bar in celebration of the 1982 court ruling of the 21.06 law as unconstitutional.
Date: 1982
Creator: Dallas Gay Alliance
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Pride Texas 2008 poster]

Description: Poster for Pride Texas 2008, held in Austin, that advertises events and acknowledges sponsors. 500 copies of this poster were placed throughout Austin, according to the label on the CD containing the poster's born-digital file. The theme of Pride Texas 2008 was "Building Community."
Date: 2008
Creator: Equality Texas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Pride Texas Festival 2008 advance tickets poster]

Description: Poster advertising advance tickets for the 2008 Pride Texas Festival in Austin. The names of musical performers and sponsors are given. The theme of Pride Texas 2008 was "Building Community." According to the digital file title, this poster was hung at the following businesses: BookWoman, Tapelenders, Lobo, Waterloo Records, and all Washington Mutual locations in Austin.
Date: 2008
Creator: Equality Texas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Recruitment Cards for Transfer Advisors]

Description: Series of cards, each containing a name, photo, and contact information for a transfer advisor that students can contact. There are seven cards for individual advisors (Jennifer Beal, Jacob Eakin, Shirley Wilson, Montey Stevenson, Bobby Oehlschlager, Courtney Newsome, and Sasha Hampton), a card for the transfer group in the Admissions Office, and a card listing transfer events (the November 10th UNT Preview, several Transfer Open Houses, and the March 2nd UNT Preview).
Date: 2012
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Poster for Dr. Mike Moses Endowed Chair in Educational Administration]

Description: Poster announcing an award received by the University of North Texas' College of Education in 2010 titled the 'Dr. Mike Moses Endowed Chair in Educational Administration'. The chair provides support and resources for furthering the UNT College of Education administrative program and graduate programs.
Date: February 16, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[2008 Undergraduate Preview Pages]

Description: Pages from the 2008 URCM promotional materials. Each one has a different photograph and information about what the University of North Texas offers for possible future students. The first page includes an image of the Administration Building and a corner of Willis Library from the North.
Date: April 4, 2008
Creator: University Relations, Communications and Marketing
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Political advertisement flyer]

Description: Political advertisement addressed to Allan G Calkin and paid for by the Harriet Miers Campaign. Advocates for the election of Miers for Dallas City Council Place 9 in the May 6, 1989 election. On the front, a picture of Miers is displayed along with a list of supporters and quotes of endorsement, including one from the Dallas Morning News. The back side includes a continuation of the list of supporters, paragraphs advocating for Miers, and a quote from Tom Landry.
Date: 1989
Creator: Harriet Miers Campaign
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Third Annual Texas Gay Rodeo poster]

Description: A copy of a poster for the Third Annual Texas Gay Rodeo taking place in Dallas, Texas in 1986.
Date: November 14, 1986
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Old Turtle]

Description: Poster from the Turtle Creek Chorale Collection with the title "Old Turtle" written on it's bottom right corner. A watercolor painting of a turtle swimming in the ocean covers the majority of the poster.
Date: 1980/2000
Creator: Turtle Creek Chorale
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[A Night on the Town with the Turtle Creek Chorale]

Description: Poster from the Turtle Creek Chorale Collection for their "A Night at the Opera" events on October 18th, 1990 and June 7th, 1991. An image of four hats hanging from the top of a coat rack covers the majority of the poster.
Date: 1990/1991
Creator: Turtle Creek Chorale
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Requiem: Turtle Creek Chorale]

Description: Poster from the Turtle Creek Chorale Collection for their "Requiem" event, a concert which took place on March 16th, 17th and 19th at the Caruth Auditorium. The concert was held in remembrance of those who died of HIV/AIDS during the AIDS epidemic.
Date: 198X-10-16
Creator: Turtle Creek Chorale
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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