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[Transcript of The Civil War Diary of Dr. John Henry Bass]

Description: Transcript of the diary of D. John Henry Bass documenting his time in the Confederate Army, including his observations, notes about the progress of the war and various skirmishes, and being wounded.
Date: June 6, 2017
Creator: Kuenstler, Jewellee
Partner: McWhiney History Education Group

[Adoption Statement of Sarah Heath and Celena Kopinski]

Description: Personal statement of Sarah Heath and Celena Kopinski regarding their adoption from the Changzhou CWI in Jiangsu Province, China. They discuss their chance encounter which lead to them discovering they were twins who had been adopted separately, Sarah by parents in Nashville, Tennessee and Celena by parents in New York City. There is a photo of Celena and Sarah on the second page of the statement.
Date: April 2016
Creator: Heath, Sarah & Kopinski, Celena
Partner: St. Edward’s University

Transcript of Oral History Interview with Louis Meade Burton and Patricia Ruth Scott Burton, October 15, 2013

Description: Interview with Louis Meade Burton and Patricia Ruth Scott Burton, a couple who were involved with the school system in Kerrville, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Burton discuss their family histories, their move move to the area, Pat's work with the Tivy school system, Louis's coaching career, and the flood of 1932. The interview includes photographs of the couple and their family, on pages 27-37.
Date: October 15, 2013
Creator: Collins, Francelle Robison; Stephens, Louis; Burton, Louis M. & Burton, Pat
Partner: Kerr County Historical Commission

Transcript of Oral History Interview with Barbara Kiefer Schellhase and Walter Schellhase, October 3, 2013

Description: Interview with Barbara Kiefer Schellhase and Walter Schellhase, a couple who retired in Kerrville, Texas. The couple discusses their individual family histories, their childhoods in Kerrville, their move away from the area, the lumberyard company they owned together in Louisiana, and their work on restoring the A. C. Schreiner family home during their retirement. The interview transcript includes photos of the couple and their family, as well as a letter, on pages 31-41.
Date: October 3, 2013
Creator: Collins, Francelle Robison; Stephens, Louis; Schellhase, Barbara Kiefer & Schellhase, Walter Ray
Partner: Kerr County Historical Commission

Transcript of Oral History Interview with Ethel Baker Starkey, March 28, 2013

Description: Interview with Ethel Baker Starkey, whose husband's ancestors were Texas Hill Country settlers, from Kerrville, Texas. Mrs. Starkey discusses her husband's family history. She also talks about coming to Kerrville for a job with her family.
Date: March 28, 2013
Creator: Collins, Francelle Robison; Stephens, Louis & Starkey, Ethel Baker
Partner: Kerr County Historical Commission

Transcript of Oral History Interview with Jean Mathis Lidiak, August 15, 2011

Description: Interview with Jean Mathis Lidiak, a former middle school secretary from Kerrville, Texas. Mrs. Lidiak talks about growing up in Kerrville, her family, and her work at various businesses and the Veterans Administration hospital. She also discusses her husband's education, his service in World War II, and the auto companies he worked at. The interview transcript includes photos of Mrs. Lidiak and her family, on pages 23-28.
Date: August 15, 2011
Creator: Collins, Francelle Robison; Stephens, Louis; Sutton, Jeanne Schumacher & Lidiak, Jean Mathis
Partner: Kerr County Historical Commission

Oral History Interview with Al Stremel, July 30, 2011

Description: The National Museum of the Pacific War presents an interview with Al Stremel. Stremel joined the Navy in October of 1940. Beginning in December, he served in the fire room aboard USS Enterprise (CV-6). In April of 1942, they escorted USS Hornet (CV-8) on the Doolittle Raid. From June through November, they participated in the battles at Midway, the Eastern Solomons, Santa Cruz and Guadalcanal. In January of 1944, Stremel was sent to Oil Burning School in Philadelphia. He was transferred to USS … more
Date: July 30, 2011
Creator: Stremel, Al
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

Oral History Interview with Albert Donaldson, April 14, 2009

Description: The National Museum of the Pacific War presents an interview with Albert Donaldson. Donaldson talks about how the Great Depression affected his family. He joined the Navy in 1944 and provides details of his training. He traveled aboard the USS Buckingham (APA-141). They traveled to Pearl Harbor, which he describes along with his responsibilities with work parties unloading and reloading ships. He assisted with trading out old ammunition for new ammunition. He was transferred to the John Rodgers… more
Date: April 14, 2009
Creator: Donaldson, Albert
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[WASP Board Meeting Agenda]

Description: Agenda for the WASP board meeting held March 25, 2006.
Date: March 25, 2006
Creator: Women Airforce Service Pilots (U.S.)
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

Oral History Interview with Al Hiegel, September 18, 2005

Description: Transcript of an oral interview with Al Heigel. When Heigel finished high school in June, 1944, he joined the Navy at Little Rock, Arkansas and went for boot training at San Diego. He was assigned as a radar operator and reported aboard the USS Independence (CVL-22) at Pearl Harbor. Heigel describes the light carrier and its construction and features. He also speaks of the time the Independence was hit by a torpedo off Tarawa in 1943. Heigel then describes events off Okinawa: watching the USS F… more
Date: September 18, 2005
Creator: Heigel, Al
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

Oral History Interview with John Andrews, March 26, 2004

Description: Interview with John Andrews, a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps from Kentwood, Louisiana. The transcript includes a list of questions regarding Andrews's training and service in World War II as a B-29 command pilot and flight instructor throughout the United States.
Date: May 17, 2005
Creator: Coy, Larisa L. & Andrews, John
Partner: Lee College

Oral History Interview with Phillip Patton, April 11, 2002

Description: Interview with Phillip Patton, an aircraft mechanic in the US Marine Corps during WWII. He answers questions about life before the war, his experiences overseas, and returning home post-war.
Date: December 30, 2004
Creator: Elterman, Dora & Patton, Phillip
Partner: Lee College

Oral History Interview with Andrew Brosh, Sr., March 31, 2001

Description: Interview with Andrew Brosh, Sr., a veteran of the U.S. Army from Karnes County, Texas who served in World War II. Brosh describes his time in basic training and experiences serving in Europe, as well as seeing American prisoners of war.
Date: March 1, 2003
Creator: Eakin, Elizabeth & Brosh, Andrew, Sr.
Partner: Lee College

Oral History Interview with Edward Nielsen, August 23, 2001

Description: The National Museum of the Pacific War presents an oral interview with Edward Nielsen from Medaryville, Indiana. He discusses undergoing Amry training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, before being assigned as B Company of the 69th Army Regiment at Fort Knox as a private. Afterwards he got lucky and was assigned to drive a truck from Louisiana to North Carolina, Mr. Nielsen describes this as the best job he ever had in the Army. After Pearl Harbor he is transferred to the 1st Armored Division and Regimen… more
Date: August 23, 2001
Creator: Nielsen, Edward
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

Oral History Interview with Charles Scheffel, May 10, 2000

Description: The National Museum of the Pacific War presents an oral interview with Charles Scheffel. Scheffel grew up in Oklahoma and enlisted in the Army ROTC in 1940. He was called up in 1941 after Pearl Harbor. He was allowed to finish out his senior year of college and was married in March 1942. He embarked on the Queen Elizabeth from New Jersey in September 1942. As leader of 200 men, he landed in Scotland and drove with them to Whittington Barracks where they joined with the British 51st Highlanders.… more
Date: May 10, 2000
Creator: Scheffel, Charles
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

Oral History Interview with Clarabelle Barton Snodgrass, August 25, 1999

Description: Interview with Clarabelle Barton Snodgrass, vice-chair of the Kerr County Historical Commission from Kerrville, Texas. Mrs. Snodgrass talks about growing up on a primitive ranch, struggling to survive during the Depression, meeting and marrying her husband, their family, their involvement with music, and her efforts to preserve the history of Kerr County. She also briefly discusses the honors and awards her volunteer work has earned her. Pages 2-13 include a written statement by Miles Abernathy… more
Date: September 25, 1999
Creator: Bethel, Ann & Snodgrass, Clarabelle
Partner: Kerr County Historical Commission

Oral History Interview with Clyde Jones, April 5, 1999

Description: Interview with Clyde Jones, former part-owner of Kerrville's first radio station, KERV, from Kerrville, Texas. Mr. Jones discusses how he came to the area and his involvement with radio station, as well as some of the challenges he and his crew encountered. He also talks about his work with the Mental Health and Retardation Center at the Kerrville State Hospital. Mr. Jones briefly discusses his band, The Poverty Playboys.
Date: April 5, 1999
Creator: Snodgrass, Clarabelle; Bethel, Ann & Jones, Clyde
Partner: Kerr County Historical Commission

Oral History Interview with Robert Lee Mosty, March 9, 1998

Description: Interview with Robert Lee Mosty, World War II veteran and owner/operator of a plant nursery in Center Point, Texas. Mr. Mosty tells stories from his service in WWII, including how his unit was one of the first to meet liberated prisoners of war, as well as how he was wounded and taken prisoner. He also discusses studying at A&M, his work for the National Park Service, and running a plant nursery in the 1920s.
Date: March 9, 1998
Creator: Witt, Gerald & Mosty, Robert Lee
Partner: Kerr County Historical Commission

Oral History Interview with Samuel and Mattie Garner, May 12, 1993

Description: Interview with Samuel and Mattie Garner, members of the Church of Christ from Tennessee. The interview includes the Garners' experiences with, the Pleasant Union congregation, the Church of Christ, and their time in Detroit, Michigan. The interview also includes their views on a controversy involving the Church of Christ and O. L. Trone.
Date: May 12, 1993
Creator: Boyd, R. Vernon; Garner, Samuel & Garner, Mattie
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

A Wake-Up Call For The American Dream

Description: Text for a speech given by Barbara C. Jordan at Northside High School in Memphis, Tennessee, about African Americans and the "American Dream."
Date: December 6, 1990
Creator: Jordan, Barbara C.
Partner: Texas Southern University

Charlyne Creger: An Oral History

Description: Transcript of and oral history interview of Charlyne Creger conducted by interviewer, Dawn Letson. They discuss Creger's family history, her life growing up in Oklahoma, and her life and career after entering and graduating the Women Airforce Service Pilots. An index of subjects discussed is listed at the end of the interview.
Date: May 26, 1988
Creator: Letson, Dawn & Creger, Charlyne
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Agenda for the San Antonio Chapter of the Links, Inc. Meeting - March 17, 1986]

Description: Agenda for the March 17, 1986 meeting of the San Antonio chapter of The Links, Inc. Items for discussion include the chapter's correspondence, treasury reports, committee reports, and current business. Also included with the agenda is a letter that was part of a February 1986 mailing to local chapter presidents of The Links, Inc. regarding the upcoming National Assembly in Nashville, Tennessee. Items discussed in the letter include hotel room rates, the program of events, registration informati… more
Date: March 17, 1986
Creator: Links, Inc. San Antonio Chapter.
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections
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