263 Matching Results

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2011 Emissions Inventory Guidelines

Description: Book discussing emission inventories, including the applicable government policies and laws, a guide to producing an emission inventory, and the types of sites which require emission inventories.
Date: January 2012
Creator: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Air Quality Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

2012 Black Tie Dinner: Affair of the Heart

Description: A booklet commemorating a black-tie dinner that celebrates strides made in LGBT equality.
Date: 2012
Creator: Black Tie Dinner Board of Directors
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Abilene City Council Minutes: 2012]

Description: Ledger containing minutes of the City Council in Abilene, Texas documenting the group's discussions and activities from January 12, 2012 to December 20, 2012.
Date: 2012-01-12/2012-12-20
Creator: Abilene (Tex.)
Partner: Abilene Public Library

Abilene Philharmonic Playbill: September 29-October 27, 2012

Description: Program for an Abilene Philharmonic concert that ran from September 29th to October 27th during the 62nd season. It includes information about the pieces performed, artists and musicians, and advertising from local companies.
Date: Autumn 2012
Creator: Abilene Philharmonic
Partner: Abilene Philharmonic

Amendments to the Texas Constitution, Since 1987

Description: This document attempts to fill a gap in the body of research detailing Texas constitutional history.
Date: March 2012
Creator: Texas. Legislature. Legislative Council. Research Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Automate your TERP monitoring

Description: This document provides information on how to Automate Your Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) Monitoring.
Date: December 2012
Creator: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Birds of Kickapoo Cavern State Park: A Field Checklist

Description: This document provides geographical information about the Kickapoo Cavern State Park and a checklist that "includes all species know to occur within the park's boundaries."
Date: March 2012
Creator: Bryan, Kelly & Lockwood, Mark
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Birds of Palo Duro Canyon State Park: A Field Checklist

Description: This document provides geographical information about the Palo Duro Canyon State Park and a checklist that "includes only those species which have been observed either within the park boundaries or have been observed flying overhead." (p. 1).
Date: February 2012
Creator: Seyffert, Kenneth D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Brownfield Yellow Pages

Description: Yellow Pages directory distributed to and serving the communities of Ausborne, Meadow, Ropesville, Union, and Wheatley.
Date: 2012
Creator: Windstream
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Bulletin of McMurry University, 2012-2013

Description: Bulletin describes the governance, faculty, course offerings, and campus life of McMurry University in Abilene, Texas.
Date: May 2012
Creator: McMurry University
Partner: McMurry University Library

Campaign Finance Guide for Political Committees

Description: This guide is a summary of the campaign finance regulations applicable to political committees.
Date: October 23, 2012
Creator: Texas Ethics Commission
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Capital Area Council of Governments Annual Budget and Work Plan: 2013

Description: Annual budget, work plan, projected productivity, and performance report for the Capital Area Council of Goverments (CAPCOG) for fiscal year 2013. It covers budget resolutions, budget summary, budget charts, regional services, administrative services, Homeland Security, and personnel and salary schedules.
Date: September 12, 2012
Creator: Capital Area Council of Governments (Austin, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Catalog for City of Denton Parks and Recreation, Summer 2012

Description: Catalog of seasonal activities offered by City of Denton Parks and Recreation, including special events, programs, and classes, broken down by age groups.
Date: Summer 2012
Creator: Denton (Tex.). Parks and Recreation.
Partner: City of Denton Parks and Recreation

Catalog of Blinn College, 2012-2013

Description: Catalog of courses offered by Blinn College campuses, as well as general information about the junior college, programs, and policies.
Date: 2012
Creator: Blinn College
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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