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[Clipping About Charles Powell Trotti Jr. and Clerabelle Trotti]

Description: Newspaper clipping from the Valley Evening Monitor. The clipping contains information regarding Charles Powell Trotti, Jr. and his sister, Clerabelle Trotti. The clipping is taped to a piece of paper with a small calendar.
Date: August 16, 1944
Creator: Valley Evening Monitor
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Clipping: Aerial Views of American Paratroopers in New Guinea]

Description: Clipping from Yank magazine with aerial photographs of United States military paratroopers landing on the Markham Valley, New Guinea to engage in battle with Japanese soldiers. A "Sad Sack" cartoon entitled "The Shower" and quiz "designed to determine where you are a 'malihini'" are printed on the reverse.
Date: 1944~
Creator: United States. War Department.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Clipping: Aerial View of Saipan Sugar Hill]

Description: Clipping from Yank magazine with an aerial photograph of an area of Saipan island following a United States Navy attack. Five military cartoons captioned by service members are printed on the reverse side of the page.
Date: 1944~
Creator: United States. War Department.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[In the Spotlight Today]

Description: Magazine page titled "In the Spotlight Today" that was included in a letter from Otha Lee Bruns to her husband Antone Bruns. On the front of the page, a photograph of Henry C. Hink is printed above an article about him while on the back there are articles titled "Steam vs. Hydro" and "A life in Their Hands."
Date: October 20, 1937
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[R. A. Risser Store: Exterior Drawing]

Description: Clipping of a drawing of the R. A. Risser department store in Bonham. The building is depicted with having three floors with show windows along the right front first-floor facade, and a plain first-floor wall along the left. Two signs are erected along the roof, one facing the left reading "RISSER'S", and one facing the right reading "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS". Pedestrians are depicted along the bottom sidewalk, and the illustration is subtitled with "Bonham's Largest Store".
Date: unknown
Partner: Fannin County Museum of History

[Clipping: The Circus Lives Again]

Description: Newspaper clipping describing the dedication of a historical marker for the Gainesville Community Circus and the reunion of former members.
Date: July 5, 1975
Creator: Stephenson, Betty
Partner: Cooke County Library

[Clipping: Gainesville Kicks off Bicentennial Celebration]

Description: Newspaper clipping describing the Gainesville Community Circus' bicentennial celebration and photos of young people in the circus' old costumes and people who participated in the circus previously. A number of other articles and editorials are printed on the back.
Date: July 5, 1975
Partner: Cooke County Library

[Clipping: Looks Pretty Good!]

Description: Newspaper clipping depicting a photograph of Mrs. Roy Wilson and Mrs. Roy Stamps admiring their old "banana" costumes that they wore when they participated in the Gainesville Community Circus. The two women stand in the center alongside two younger women in the striped outfits they once wore.
Date: July 7, 1975
Creator: Daily Register
Partner: Cooke County Library

[Clipping: Whole town ran away to be with the circus]

Description: Newspaper clipping describing the Gainesville Community Circus and its long history of welcoming in community members to participate as performers and the support from their neighbors.
Date: March 15, 1976
Creator: Hast, Kathy
Partner: Cooke County Library

[Clipping of a Photo Related to a Donation]

Description: Photocopy of a newspaper clipping of two men and a woman standing in a wood-paneled room, looking at a check that is being handed off from the man in the center to the woman at right. The caption below says: "For New Program -- Academic Dean Dr. Charles Oestreich, center, beams with pleasure upon receiving a $30,000 check from the national office of The American Lutheran Church Woman for a new Mexican-American Studies Program which will start next September. On hand for the historic event are… more
Date: 1971~
Partner: Texas Lutheran University

[Clipping: From Generation to Generation]

Description: Newspaper clipping describing the story of Private Rudolf Haar, Regina Gernsbacher's visitation of him while in the hospital, and his ancestor uncovering Haar's legacy after finding his Jewish Welfare Card in a display at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.
Date: Summer 2004
Creator: Weiner, Hollace
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Clipping: Jewish families hosted soldiers]

Description: Newspaper clipping describing the legacy of Regina Gernsbacher and the positive affect she and the women who worked with her had on Jewish servicemen during World War II.
Date: April 18, 2001
Creator: Fairley, Bill
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Clipping of a Family Photo Featuring Sergeant Gernsbacher]

Description: Photocopy of a newspaper clipping responding to Bob Gernsbacher of the Gernsbacher family including Don Gernsbacher, Mrs. Ed Meyerson holding her daughter Janis, Regina Gernsbacher, and Aaron Gernsbacher.
Date: November 18, 1944
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Clipping: Weiner to present World War II memories]

Description: Newspaper clipping describing an upcoming presentation by Hollace Weiner about the legacy of Regina Gernsbacher, with an image of a postcard addressed to Mrs. Gernsbacher.
Date: April 27, 2006
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Clipping: Death of Fort Worth Youth at Pearl Harbor is Revealed]

Description: Newspaper clipping announcing the death of Leroy Dennis after the attack on Pearl Harbor. On the right is a photograph of Leroy Dennis in a white collared shirt and a dark blazer.
Date: 1942
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Clipping: Medal for Three Who Died in Service Received Here]

Description: Newspaper clipping announcing that three Fort Worth women received Purple Heart Medals awarded to members of their families who died in the service. On the right side there is a photograph labeled "Mrs. Howard" showing Dennis Leroy's mother with a Purple Heart Medal pinned to her dress collar.
Date: unknown
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Clipping: Work of Treachery]

Description: Newspaper clipping showing two photographs of sinking battleships during the December 7th attack on Pearl Harbor. The top image shows the U.S.S. Utah capsized in the harbor and the image below it shows the Destroyer Shaw exploding.
Date: 1942
Creator: The Fort Worth Press
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Clipping: Posthumous Award Received by Mother]

Description: Newspaper clipping about Mrs. W. L. Howard, mother of Leroy Dennis, receiving a posthumous Purple Heart Award for Leroy's death during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Date: unknown
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation
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