2 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance February 20th between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

Search Results

[T&P Quarterly Alfalfa Article]

Description: Copy photo of a T&P Quarterly article on the benefits of alfalfa, as well as a comparison to corn as a crop. A photo in the middle of the page is captioned "Interior View of T. & P. City Office, El Paso, Texas." Written below the image are "T&P."
Date: unknown
Partner: The Grace Museum

[T&P Quarterly Alfalfa Article]

Description: Copy photo of a Texas and Pacific Quarterly article about the usefulness of alfalfa as a crop. On the top half of the image is a photo of Union Passenger Station in El Paso, Texas. Written below the image are "T&P."
Date: unknown
Partner: The Grace Museum
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