164 Matching Results

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Cause Number E. 4010-J. Hearing on Sanity Motion, March 1965

Description: Court transcription for a hearing in the case of Texas v. Jack Ruby convened regarding a motion on Ruby's sanity, with references to a separate motion to admit out-of-state counsel.
Date: March 8, 1965
Creator: Bailey, L. B., Jr.
Partner: The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

[Check from Mrs. H. B. Caddell to Ileta Petty, August 8, 1921]

Description: Check from Mrs. H.B Caddell to Ileta Petty for $4.00. The check is from First State Bank in Forestburg, Texas. The back of the check is endorsed by Ileta Petty.
Date: August 8, 1921
Creator: Caddell, Mrs. H. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Liability Affidavit]

Description: Affidavit prepared by Carter & Stiernberg law firm for G. Lorimer Brown and addressed to United States Loan & Investment Co., Galveston, Texas, admitting unconditional liability for two vendor's lien notes for part of the purchase price of Block 12, Valley Groves Subdivision, Cameron County, Texas.
Date: September 8, 1930
Creator: Carter, Claude E. & Stiernberg, Lloyd E.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Substitute volunteer enlistment for Robert B. Way, July 8, 1864]

Description: Substitute volunteer enlistment for Robert B. Way to take the place of James H. Farquarharson of Alleghany County, New York. The enlistment papers contain a physical description of Way.
Date: July 8, 1864
Creator: Cary, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Dallas County Probate Case 62: Brooks, W.F. (Deceased)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Brooks, W.F. (died January 12, 1897) and Mary E. Brooks (Executor or Guardian)
Date: 1897-01-08/1897-03-05
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society

Dallas County Probate Case 87: Carter, Jane (Deceased)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Carter, Jane (died October 25, 1874) and Jno. Preston (Executor or Guardian)
Date: 1874-10-08/1875-02
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society

Dallas County Probate Case 139: Witt, W.H. (VS)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Witt, W.H. (VS) and A.J. Clark (Executor or Guardian)
Date: 1856-04-08/1870-10-03
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society

Dallas County Probate Case 186: Fletcher, R. (Deceased)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Fletcher, R. (died May 14, 1856) and J.L. Fletcher (Executor or Guardian)
Date: 1856-04-08/1874-12-18
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society

Dallas County Probate Case 284: Herndon, Ben, J.F. & F.M. (Minors)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Herndon, Ben, J.F. & F.M. (Minors) and Jno. Herndon (Executor or Guardian). Name correction: Benjamin F Herndon and Francis Marion Herndon
Date: 1856-03-08/1857-11-30
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society

Dallas County Probate Case 299: Jackson, Jno. (Deceased)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Jackson, Jno. (died May 30, 1866) and Jno. Jackson, Jr. (Executor or Guardian)
Date: 1861-08-08/1866-08-27
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society
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