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[Ordinance Granting Abilene & Southern Railway Company Right of Ways and the Right to Build a Railroad in Abilene, Texas]

Description: City ordinance granting the Abilene & Southern Railway Company right of ways over property owned by the City of Abilene and granting the company the right to build and operate a railroad on property belonging to the City of Abilene, Texas. The ordinance details the specific locations the railway company has rights to, and the rights of the city to regulate the railroad. The ordinance is undated and unsigned.
Date: May 1909
Creator: Abilene (Tex.)
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Ordinance Granting the Abilene & Southern Railway Company a Right of Ways and the Right to Build a Railroad in Abilene, Texas]

Description: City ordinance granting the Abilene & Southern Railway Company right of ways over property owned by the City of Abilene and granting the company the right to build and operate a railroad on property belonging to the City of Abilene, Texas. The ordinance details the specific locations the railway company has rights to, and the rights of the city to regulate the railroad. "Not Executed" is written at the top of the document and it is unsigned.
Date: May 18, 1909
Creator: Abilene (Tex.)
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Court summons]

Description: Court summons for William Reed to answer the motion of Marcus D. Jering and J.W. Nowlin[?].
Date: May 7, 1861
Creator: Anderson, James
Partner: Southwestern University

[Certificate of Appointment to Postmaster for John Patterson Osterhout]

Description: Certificate of appointment to Postmaster by President Chester Alan Arthur for John Patterson Osterhout. The certificate was signed by the President and the Postmaster General, Walter Q. Gresham. It certified John to work as Postmaster in Belton, Texas.
Date: May 15, 1884
Creator: Arthur, Chester Alan
Partner: Austin College

[Redemption Deed, May 2, 1882]

Description: Redemption Deed from Robert Bean to Levi Perryman on May 2, 1882, for land that was sold in a tax sale to satisfy delinquent taxes owed. The property is described in the document.
Date: May 2, 1882
Creator: Bellows, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Intelligence Report - Post Office Box 19106, May 17, 1967]

Description: Criminal intelligence report concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's use of a post office box under the name of Lee Odom. The report was sent by detective W. S. Biggio to Captain W. F. Dyson on May 17, 1967.
Date: May 17, 1967
Creator: Biggio, W. S.
Partner: Dallas Municipal Archives

[L. C. Wise vs. M. E. Sayles: Appeal Bind]

Description: Document certifying that L. C. Wise will pay sums owed to Mary E. Sayles and all court fines accrued as he goes on to file for appeal.
Date: May 2, 1904
Creator: Bowyer and Tillett
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Abstract Number 3008: College Hills Estates]

Description: Abstract compiled for a lot in the College Hills Estates subdivision, located in College Station, Texas, including copies of various deeds, tax statements, and other legal documents related to the property.
Date: May 5, 1941
Creator: Brazos County Abstract Company, Inc.
Partner: City of College Station

[Deed from the McCartneys to J. McLendon, May 24, 1886]

Description: Deed transferring property rights to land in Ellis County from Andrew C., A. D., and W. E. McCartney to J. McLendon.
Date: May 24, 1886
Creator: Brown, W. P.; Cooper, J. P. & McCartney, Andrew C.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Court summons]

Description: Court summons for William Reed to answer the petition of W.T. Davidson.
Date: May 2, 1861
Creator: Caddel, J.C.
Partner: Southwestern University

[Certificate of Promotion for P. Bishop]

Description: Certificate promoting P. Bishop to the office of the Chief of the fire department in San Antonio, Texas, signed by Mayor Bryan Callaghan.
Date: May 24, 1911
Creator: Callaghan, Bryan
Partner: Fire Museum of Texas

[Note, May 13, 1907]

Description: A note for $25.00 for Claude D.White which is due October 15, 1907. The document is stamped "Paid" with the date October 19, 1907.
Date: May 7, 1907
Creator: Collin County Implement and Vehicle Co.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Affidavit by Sergio Arcacha Smith]

Description: Affidavit of Sergio Arcacha Smith, concerning a request for questioning by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison.
Date: May 22, 1967
Creator: Dallas (Tex.). Police Department.
Partner: Dallas Municipal Archives

[Polygraph Examination Report for Alvin R. Beaubouef]

Description: Polygraph examination report for Alvin R. Beaubouef. The report states that Mr. Beaubouef appeared voluntarily for a polygraph test in connection with an alleged attempt at bribery and bodily harm.
Date: May 10, 1967
Creator: Dallas (Tex.). Police Department.
Partner: Dallas Municipal Archives

Dallas County Probate Case 18: Antoine, A. (Minor)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Antoine, A. (Minor) and N. Antoine (Executor or Guardian)
Date: 1874-05-25/1875-11-03
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society

Dallas County Probate Case 60: Berry, J.L. (Deceased)

Description: Dallas County probate record regarding the case of Berry, J.L. (died April 29, 1856) and B.P. McFarlin (Executor or Guardian)
Date: 1856-05-10/1859-12-26
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Dallas Genealogical Society
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