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[Cause No. 3677: Defendant's Plea of Privilege]

Description: Document in the cause no. 3677, W. O. Rainwater vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, claiming the defendant's home or business is not located in Jones County, Texas and that the Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company has an office in Abilene, Texas.
Date: April 22, 1938
Creator: Sayles, Jack
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 3677: Transcript of Court Proceedings]

Description: Transcript of the proceedings in cause no. 3677, W. O. Rainwater vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company. The transcript lists the witness testimony of W. O. Rainwater and G. A. Rainwater as questioned by Gilbert Smith and Jack Sayles.
Date: May 24, 1938
Creator: Henry, Lee S.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Document Waiving Filing Requirements]

Description: Document in the cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, which waives the filing requirements of depositions in the named cause by both parties.
Date: 1940~
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Cause No. 4035: Answers and Deposition of V. Robert Kerr]

Description: Document in the cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, containing the written testimony of V. Robert Kerr. The testimony was taken before a notary and answers the questions set by the plaintiff's and defendant's attorneys.
Date: October 11, 1938
Creator: Kerr, V. Robert
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Answers and Depositions of E. Williams and C. C. Chinn]

Description: Document related to cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, stating that the answers of E. Williams and C. C. Chinn were taken before a public notary in Garfield County, Oklahoma. The answers of E. Williams are included in this document.
Date: September 1938
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Notice of Deposition of E. Williams and C. C. Chinn]

Description: Document providing notice of depositions to W. O. Rainwater, G. A. Rainwater, and/or their attorney Gilbert Smith, including the names of the witnesses and the list of questions. The named witnesses are E. Williams and C. C. Chinn and are found in Enid, Oklahoma.
Date: 1940~
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 3677: Correction to the Judgment]

Description: Document in cause no. 3677, W. O. Rainwater vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, correcting an error in the original judgment. The amendment is in the final paragraph, setting the appeal bond at $450.00 instead of the incorrect $50.00.
Date: May 21, 1938
Creator: Spraberry, E. M.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Notice of Deposition of V. Robert Kerr]

Description: Notice of deposition in the cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company. The notice is addressed to W. O. Rainwater, G. A. Rainwater or Gilbert Smith and names the witness as V. Robert Kerr who lives in Topeka, Kansas. The notice also includes a list of questions.
Date: 1940~
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Extension of Terms of Court]

Description: Document related to cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, extending the term of the court by fifteen days. This document is unsigned.
Date: December 17, 1938
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 3677: Statement of the Testimony]

Description: Transcript of the testimony of W. O. Rainwater and G. A. Rainwater in cause no. 3677, W. O. Rainwater vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company. Both men were questioned by Jack Sayles and Gilbert Smith, recounting their knowledge about the case.
Date: May 24, 1938
Creator: Henry, Lee S.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Defendant's Acknowledgement of Court's Judgment]

Description: Document in Cause No. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, in which the oil company acknowledges the court's judgment in favor of Rainwater and states their intention to appeal. This document is unsigned.
Date: January 1939
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Notice of Deposition of E. Williams and C. C. Chinn]

Description: Document providing notice of depositions to W. O. Rainwater, G. A. Rainwater, and/or their attorney Gilbert Smith, including the names of the witnesses and the list of questions. The named witnesses are E. Williams and C. C. Chinn and are found in Enid, Oklahoma.
Date: 1940~
Creator: Sayles, Jack
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 3677: Controverting Answer to Defendant's Plea of Privilege]

Description: Document in the cause no. 3677, W. O. Rainwater vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, which discusses the plaintiff's response to the defendant's plea of privilege. It counters specific points in numbered paragraphs.
Date: April 28, 1938
Creator: Smith, Gilbert
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Defendant's Bill of Exceptions]

Description: Document in the cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company. It contains two bills of exceptions for the defendant, Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, which detail two witnesses, W. M. Greer and Johnnie White, and their testimonies.
Date: February 6, 1939
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Amended Motion for a New Trial]

Description: Document in the cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, detailing the Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company's request for a new trial.
Date: 1940~
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Document from Defendant Requesting New Trial]

Description: Document in cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, requesting a new trial due to errors in the previous trial. There is a handwritten note on the back of the document.
Date: 1940~
Creator: Sayles & Sayles
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Assorted Documents]

Description: Documents related to cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company. There are three documents, the first two are identical and instruct the defendant to file request, and the third document is an amended motion for a new trial by the defendant.
Date: December 1938
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 3677: Documents Issued by the Justice of the Peace]

Description: Documents in cause no. 3677, W. O. Rainwater vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, issued by the Justice of the Peace of Precinct 1 in Jones County, Texas. The documents include a subpoena issued by the Dallas County sheriff's office requiring the Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company to appear in court, an order overruling the defendant's plea of privilege, and the court's ruling in favor of the plaintiff.
Date: {1929-03-29, 1929-05-21}
Creator: Dallas County (Tex.)
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Answers and Deposition of V. Robert Kerr]

Description: Document related to cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, stating that the answers of V. Robert Kerr were taken before a public notary in Topeka County, Kansas.
Date: September 1938
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Cause No. 4035: Answers and Depositions of E. Williams and C. C. Chinn]

Description: Document in the cause no. 4035, W. O. Rainwater et al. vs. Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, containing E. Williams' and C. C. Chinn's answers to prepared questions by the plaintiff's and defendant's attorneys. The document is unsigned.
Date: October 11, 1938
Creator: Chinn, C. C. & Williams, E.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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