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[Email from Daniel Graney about fundraising letters]

Description: Email from Daniel Graney on March 10, 2010, discussing sending fundraising letters to Democratic candidates and elected officials. There is a list of targeted recipients of contribution solicitation letters.
Date: March 10, 2010
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Victor M. Castillo to multiple recipients]

Description: Email from Victor M. Castillo to multiple recipients on March 10, 2009, discussing recent Press Release regarding endorsements and new officers to the Houston Stonewall Young Democrats.
Date: March 10, 2009
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Email from Caro Bosca to Eleanor Brown, March 10, 2007]

Description: Email from Caro Bosca to Eleanor Brown responding to Brown's statement that she feels "totally out of touch with what is going on" in the WASP. Bosca replies that Brown is included on all correspondence Bosca sends to the board and includes a copy of a recent message about the air show in Columbus, Ohio.
Date: March 10, 2007
Creator: Bosca, Caro Bayley
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[UNT International Week Awards Banquet 2006]

Description: A document advertising the awards banquet for the Annual Celebration of World Cultures: International Week. It includes details of the event and costs for reserving tables for sponsors.
Date: March 10, 2006
Creator: Schaake, Jean
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from R. William McCarter to Lani Duke and Elliot Eisner, March 10, 1997]

Description: A letter from R. William McCarter, Co-director, North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Lani Duke, Director, The Getty Education Institute for the Arts, and Elliot Eisner, Professor of Education and Art, Stanford University, about addressing some observations from the National Curriculum Working Group meeting. The observations include fear that the group is restricting the previous efforts of the Curriculum Task Force, the relationship between the Task Force and Working Group… more
Date: March 10, 1997
Creator: McCarter, R. William
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[E-mail correspondence between Carl Clark and the Getty RIGs]

Description: E-mail correspondence between Carl Clark and the Getty Center RIGs. The e-mail pertains to the information on Carl Clark and Sheila Brown's recent development of the technology in ARTnet Nebraska. Teachers are invited to develop curriculum for their classrooms, find what is available to them in the are of Art Education, able to participate in discussion groups and help plan the direction of Art Education in Nebraska and find out what is happening in the world of the Art in museums and galleries… more
Date: March 10, 1995
Creator: Clark, Carl
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Invitation to Seminar: Learning Through the Art Integration Across the Curriculum]

Description: A letter extending a warm invitation to attend the seminar titled "Learning Through the Art: The Integration of Art Across the Curriculum." The correspondence provides comprehensive details about the seminar, highlighting the valuable insights and collaborative learning opportunities it offers in the realm of curriculum integration through art.
Date: March 10, 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Jack Davis, Bill McCarter and Nancy Reynolds to Gert K. Peck, March 10, 1994]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Jack Davis, Bill McCarter and Nancy Reynolds, North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Gert K. Peck, Superintendent for Anthony ISD. Inviting Peck to attend the "Learning through Art: The Integration of Art Across the Curriculum" at El Paso ISD Professional Development Center, on March 31, 1994. The seminar is being presented by North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, and will address the correlation between art and Texas Assessment o… more
Date: March 10, 1994
Creator: Davis, Donald Jack; McCarter, William & Reynolds, Nancy
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Memo to Laura McGee by Mary Stephens, March 10, 1992]

Description: Memorandum written to Laura McGee, Records Manager, by Mary Stephens. The memorandum states that documents are being transferred to the Dallas Municipal Archives and Records Center.
Date: March 10, 1992
Creator: Dallas (Tex.). Police Department.
Partner: Dallas Municipal Archives

[Nelson Campaign Letter to Linda, March 10, 1987]

Description: Official campaign letter promoting Bill Nelson for Dallas City Council, inviting Linda Mitchell to become a volunteer for the campaign.
Date: March 10, 1987
Creator: Nelson, William H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Gary K. Jordan to John J. Herrera - 1977-03-10]

Description: Letter from Gary K. Jordan to John J. Herrera regarding Arizona Bank Travel Service vs. League of United Latin American Citizens, dated March 10, 1977. The letter indicates and enclosure of Motion for Summary Judgement and Plaintiff's First Amended Petition.
Date: March 10, 1977
Creator: Jordan, Gary K.
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from H. L. Williams to I. H. Kempner, III, Harris L. Kempner, R. M. Armstrong, Homer L. Bruce, Dan Oppenheimer, W. H. Louviere, R. P. Bennett, H. L. Kempner, Jr., K. L. Laird, A. M. Bartolo, and Ann O. Hamilton, March 10, 1975]

Description: Letter from H. L. Williams to I. H. Kempner, III, Harris L. Kempner, R. M. Armstrong, Homer L. Bruce, Dan Oppenheimer, W. H. Louviere, R. P. Bennett, H. L. Kempner, Jr., K. L. Laird, A. M. Bartolo, and Ann O. Hamilton discussing a letter from Bob Hanna discussing the conditions of the sugar industry.
Date: March 10, 1975
Creator: Williams, Hugh L.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Mario Marcel Salas to Reverend Claude Black - March 10, 1975]

Description: Letter from Mario Marcel Salas, president of the Black Coalition on Mass Media, to Reverend Claude W. Black of Mount Zion First Baptist Church. He writes about the struggle to correct the instruments of oppression endured by the black community.
Date: March 10, 1975
Creator: Salas, Mario Marcel
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections
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