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[E-mail from Bob Leonard to Sterling Houston - July 7, 2003]

Description: E-mail from Bob Leonard of the Network of Ensemble Theaters to Sterling Houston, prominent San Antonio playwright. He writes to invite him to a National Conference which will take place in Amherst, Massachusetts. All travel expenses will be covered for the week-long summer conference.
Date: July 7, 2003
Creator: Leonard, Bob
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Lena L. Gordon to David Aiken, August 7, 1993]

Description: Written letter to David Aiken from Lena L. Gordon. In the letter, Gordon describes her experience the morning of the attack on Pearl Harbor. She also explains that she does not know of any nurse who flew from Molokai to Wheeler Field on the morning of the attack on Pearl Harbor as a passenger aboard a B-18 bomber.
Date: August 7, 1993
Creator: Gordon, Lena L.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from W. F. Ohlemeyer to David Duclos, December 16, 1989]

Description: Letter from W. F. Ohlemeyer to David Duclos discussing his personal life including his ailments, and barretts that Duclos gave him, which he wore to play pool. The letter is in an envelope addressed to Dave Duclos in Massachusetts (with a postal sticker referring to a new address for Duclos) and a postmark dated December 18, 1989.
Date: December 16, 1989
Creator: Ohlemeyer, W. F.
Partner: Pioneer City County Museum

[Letter from Mike Dukakis to Lee P. Brown, July 15, 1988]

Description: Letter from Mike Dukakis to Lee P. Brown discussing Brown's recent article published in the Crime Control Digest and expressing regret that Dukakis did not have the opportunity to spend time with Brown in Houston the prior month.
Date: July 15, 1988
Creator: Dukakis, Mike
Partner: Rice University Woodson Research Center

[Letter from W. F. Ohlemeyer to Dave Duclos, April 21, 1988]

Description: Letter from W.F. Ohlemeyer to David Duclos discussing personal issues including his health, time spent at the senior center, and a trip to Oro Grande (north of El Paso). The pages are all stamped in red with the text "Confirmation of Phone Order." The letter is dated April 1988, but it is in an envelope postmarked February 1986, addressed to the S. D. Myres Saddle Co. in Massachusetts.
Date: April 21, 1988
Creator: Ohlemeyer, W. F.
Partner: Pioneer City County Museum

[Letter from W. F. Ohlemeyer to David Duclos, February 14, 1986]

Description: Letter from W. F. Ohlemeyer to David Duclos mentioning that he never received a package that Duclos told him to expect and discussing his recent tragic turn of personal events. The envelope includes addresses for both men and is postmarked June 6, 1987.
Date: June 4, 1987
Creator: Ohlemeyer, W. F.
Partner: Pioneer City County Museum

[Letter from John P. McGovern to Doris Appel, May 27,1980]

Description: Letter from John P. McGovern to Doris Appel discussing the payment for Appel's Hall of Medicine sculpture series and how much the author admires and appreciates her work.
Date: May 27, 1986
Creator: McGovern, John P.
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Dr. John P. McGovern to Doris Appel, April 29, 1986]

Description: Letter from Dr. John P. McGovern to Doris Appel discussing the new renovations to the building Appel's Hall of Medicine sculptures are housed in, and also discussing McGovern's plans to make a room dedicated to Appel's work in part of his medical clinic's library.
Date: April 29, 1986
Creator: McGovern, John P.
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Newsletter from Lyda Keefe to WASP, April 5, 1986]

Description: Newsletter from Lyda Keefe to WASP about Helen Schaefer, people she met, Barbara Heinrich, the upcoming meeting in Sweetwater, and other WASP. On the front is a photograph of a group of WASP and a note about Dora Dougherty and Didi Moorman.
Date: April 5, 1986
Creator: Keefe, Lyda Dunham
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Letter from John P. McGovern to Doris Appel, February 1, 1986]

Description: Letter from John P. McGovern to Doris Appel discussing how much the writer and another party, Mrs. Kathy, appreciate Doris, as well as wishing her well before they see each other later in Houston and Boston. The letter is signed, "Yours ever, Jack".
Date: February 1, 1986
Creator: McGovern, John P.
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Leonard Ward to the S. D. Myres Saddle Company, December 20, 1922]

Description: Letter from Leonard Ward to the S. D. Myres Saddle Company discussing several different saddles and spur designs. He says that he has enclosed photographs (though they are not included with this letter). The envelope is addressed to S. D. Myres Saddle Company in Massachusetts and postmarked December 21, 1982.
Date: December 20, 1982
Creator: Ward, Leonard
Partner: Pioneer City County Museum

[Letter from Robert Samuel to Sterling Houston - 1980]

Description: Letter from Robert Samuel to, presumably, Sterling Houston, prominent San Antonio playwright. Robert (Bob) writes about when he will be back in San Antonio, and that he hopes to see his friend once there. He will stay with friends. Letter has been written on the back of a card which references both the Robert Samuel Gallery and Tom of Finland, famed artist and icon of gay culture.
Date: 1980
Creator: Samuel, Robert
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Anne Mandelbaum to Barbara Jordan - December 13, 1977]

Description: Letter from Anne Mandelbaum to Barbara Jordan discussing photographs she sent Jordan, enclosing the front page of the June 17, 1977 issue of The Boston Globe, and Jordan's decision to not seek re-election to Congress. Included are pages from Vol. 211, No. 168 of The Boston Globe covering local, state, national, and global news.
Date: December 13, 1977
Creator: Mandelbaum, Anne
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Correspondence Between Meck Richardson and Barbara Jordan - June 10-17, 1974]

Description: Letter from a constituent in Houston asking Barbara Jordan for her thoughts on a national no-fault auto insurance policy with a reply from Jordan saying that she is cautious because a bill hasn't been finalized and bills can change drastically between introduction and debate.
Date: 1974-06-10/1974-06-17
Creator: Jordan, Barbara, 1936-1996 & Richardson, Meck L.
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Letter from Celia Hunter to Alberta Head, April 28, 1971]

Description: Letter from Celia Hunter to Alberta Head remembering Avenger Field, encouraging her to stay in Camp Denali the next time she comes to Alaska, and to go to Mykonos, Greece.
Date: April 28, 1971
Creator: Hunter, Celia
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Letter from Henry B. Bigelow]

Description: Letter from Professor Henry B. Bigelow advocating for Rabbi Leo Shubow's manuscript about his time patrolling "the icebergs of the North Atlantic". A paper is attached that contains the cover page and contents of the manuscript on one side and an article about Shubow on the other.
Date: 196X
Creator: Bigelow, Henry B.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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