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[Transcript of Letter from William Bates to James Perry, May 27, 1811]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from William Bates to James Perry, on May 27, 1811, asking him to deliver lead to a waggoner on behalf of James Bryan. A note from Stephen F. Austin at the bottom records the receipt of the lead on June 1, 1811.
Date: [1811-05-27..1811-06-02]
Creator: Bates, William
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from unknown person to Mexia, May 27, 1836]

Description: Letter from unknown person to Mexia: Arriving to Galveston and hearing the news of the retreat of the enemy. Describes conditions of the prisoners in Galveston and mentions speaking to some of the imprisoned officers. Galveston, May 27, 1836.
Date: May 27, 1836
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from Samuel Puleston to William M. Rice - May 27, 1867]

Description: Letter from Samuel Puleston to William M. Rice requesting him to name groups of people in NY or for them to discuss the claim when William arrives in NY this summer.
Date: May 27, 1867
Creator: Puleston, Samuel
Partner: Rice University Woodson Research Center

[Letter from Dinkie McGee to Mary Ann Dodd Moore, May 27, 1876]

Description: Letter from Dinkie McGee to her sister, Mary Ann Dodd Moore discussing neighbors and friends, gardening, quilt making, dress making, purchase of new mules, sale of a calf and the possibility of moving to Texas.
Date: May 27, 1876
Creator: McGee, Dinkie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Paul Osterhout to John Patterson and Junia Roberts Osterhout, May 27, 1881]

Description: Letter from Paul Osterhout to his parents, John Patterson and Junia Roberts Osterhout. He thanked his family for a recent letter he received from home. Paul described parts of a composition he prepared to give at a commencement ceremony and sent his father a copy of the speech. He mentioned some activities that were going on at the school, including a baseball game and a concert, and insisted that his father or mother try to visit. Included is an envelope addressed to "J. P. Osterhout."
Date: May 27, 1881
Creator: Osterhout, Paul
Partner: Austin College

[Letter to J.T. Rogers concerning the James River Squadron Confederate Navy]

Description: Letter from Atlanta, GA May 27 (18)92 States that J.T. Rogers was steward or paymaster's clerk on the Gunboat Roanoke of the James River Squadron Confederate Navy from July 1864 up to the time of the evacuation of Richmond and that in that capacity he was efficient in the discharge of his duties and in every way entitled to, and worthy of confidence. Signed by Samual M. Tucker
Date: May 27, 1892
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

[Letter from Linnet Moore to C. B. Moore, May 27, 1895]

Description: Linnet is with her cousin Nettie, she visited her cousin Serena. She was with her cousin Lila last week. She asks her cousin Maria about Elisha. She went on a trip to Kingston the other night. She asks how she is to get home.
Date: May 27, 1895
Creator: Moore, Linnet
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter to Charles and Mary Moore, May 27, 1895]

Description: She writes that she went with Maggie and Mr. Rucker to see Mrs. Lewis. Maggie went to see Linnet and brought Linnet home with her. She tells them the places Linnet has stayed in. They are enjoying having Linnet visit. She mentions that her health has improved. She was sorry to hear about Henry's illness. She was hoping they could come visit too.
Date: May 27, 1895
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from C. F. Engeisle to Sayles & Sayles, May 27, 1905]

Description: Letter from C. F. Engeisle to Sayles & Sayles, providing a report listing several properties. The list includes location information, acreage, and the date of the award. The text of the letter reads, "Just rec'd another notice of award. Have not time to fix it up better."
Date: May 27, 1907
Creator: Engeisle, C. F.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Sayles & Sayles to Morgan Jones, May 27, 1909]

Description: Letter from Sayles & Sayles to Morgan Jones in which Jones receives a copy of the ordinance issued by the city of Abilene. This ordinance grants Jones' company the right to constract (sic) certain switches.
Date: May 27, 1909
Creator: Sayles & Sayles
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter to J. L. McDavid, May 27, 1909]

Description: Letter to J. L. McDavid discussing two cases between the Ballinger & Abilene Railway Company vs. Julia Acuna and the Abilene & Southern Railway Company vs. Mary S. Saner. The writer asks McDavid to certify the judgments as correct copies.
Date: May 27, 1909
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from W. A. Webb to Henry Sayles, May 27, 1912]

Description: Letter from W. A. Webb to Henry Sayles thanking him for his congratulatory letter and discussing the future of the M. K. & T. Railroad. Webb invites Sayles to go over the new survey once Webb arrives in Abilene.
Date: May 27, 1912
Creator: Webb, William A.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Vincent Fritz to James Ferdinand McCan - May 27, 1914]

Description: Letter from Vincent S. Fritz, chief of the Victoria Fire Department, to James Ferdinand McCan, expressing gratitude and admiration for McCan's service as volunteer fireman. Fritz writes of a gift for McCan included along with the letter.
Date: May 27, 1914
Creator: Fritz, Vincent S.
Partner: Witte Museum

[Letter from John Sayles to David W. Stephens, May 30,1928]

Description: Letter from John Sayles to David W. Stephens in regards to the case of Gulf Pipe Line Company vs A. D. Fulton. Mr. Sayles writes that Sayles and Sayles would appreciate a payment of partial fees for this law suit.
Date: May 27, 1928
Creator: Sayles, John
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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