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[Letter from Baker, Botts, Andrews & Garwood to Eagle & Kirby, June 17, 1908]

Description: Letter from Baker, Botts, Andrews & Garwood to Eagle & Kirby discussing land titles formerly owned by Ed H. Cunningham and Company. The Company reorganized into the Cunningham Sugar Company. The land was sold. There is a claim against the Ed H. Cunningham and Company, which was never brought to court. The claims were paid but never put in record for Bexar County.
Date: June 17, 1908
Creator: Baker, Botts, Andrews & Garwood
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Ballinger & Abilene Railway Company to Citizens Lumber Company, December 21, 1908]

Description: Letter from Ballinger & Abilene Railway Company to The Citizens Lumber Company discussing a note executed by Ed. Henry and B. F. Jordan to W. P. Carey and A. C. Lombard. Once Ballinger & Abilene Railway Company have record that Carey and Lombard hold the note they will pay Henry and Jordan principal and interest.
Date: December 21, 1908
Creator: Ballinger & Abilene Railway Company
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Two Letters And Envelope Addressed to McAlpine]

Description: Two letters and an envelope discussing ranch matters. The first letter is addressed to "Uncle" and signed "Bof Bingham," discusses news of a cattle ranch and is dated June 2, 1918. The second letter is on Sayles Bros. & McAlpine letterhead, addressed to "John" and dated July 2, 1908. The envelope is addressed to "Mr. Uncle McAlpine" and has a note written on it that reads, "This explains itself. It may be a bluff and may not. He has done nothing yet."
Date: {1908-07-02,1918-06-02}
Creator: Bingham, B.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from D. T. Bomar to Henry Sayles and T. G. Clegg, August 18, 1908]

Description: Letter from D. T. Bomar to Henry Sayles and T. G. Clegg discussing modifications desired by Clegg in a proposed agreement for the Collins estate. Sayles is supposed to deliver the modifications through a letter to A. Sutherland Harris. Bomar believes a copy of the letter should be sent to Alexander S. Coke.
Date: August 18, 1908
Creator: Bomar, David T.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from D. T. Bomar to Henry Sayles, March 28, 1908]

Description: Letter from D. T. Bomar to Henry Sayles discussing debt owed to Bomar secured by mortgage, bonds and notes. Bomar asks for an agreement with Sayles so that their interests become identical.
Date: March 28, 1908
Creator: Bomar, David T.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from D. T. Bomar to Sayles & Sayles, November 5,1908]

Description: Letter from D. T. Bomar to Sayles & Sayles discussing that Bomar will be in Abilene and will be seeing Sayles & Sayles in reference to condemnation matters.
Date: November 5, 1908
Creator: Bomar, David T.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from D. T. Bomar to Will Stith, October 31, 1908]

Description: Letter from D. T. Bomar to Will Stith remitting two papers regarding the railroad in Taylor County. Bomar is mainly concerned with the right of way that is to be validated by the court.
Date: October 31, 1908
Creator: Bomar, David T.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from W. J. Bryan to Judge C. U. Connellee, June 30, 1908]

Description: Letter from W. J. Bryan to Judge C. U. Connellee acknowledging receipt of the letter he sent in regards to the July 1908 primaries and sharing his expectations about the outcome of the elections.
Date: June 30, 1908
Creator: Bryan, William John
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from A. A. Glisson to Claude D. White, September 23, 1908]

Description: Letter from A. A. Glisson of the Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Company to Claude D. White discussing rates and routes for Mr. White to travel to Blair, Oklahoma. The letter is typed on the company's letterhead, and there is a graph on the left side of the page titled "Profile of Fort Worth & Denver City and Colorado & Southern Railways, Showing Altitudes attained enroute from Texas to Colorado." A map of the Denver Road printed on the back. There is an envelope addressed to Mr. C. D. White i… more
Date: September 23, 1908
Creator: Glisson, A. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Dr. J. W. Harrison to Dr. Joseph Pound, May 18, 1908]

Description: Letter from Dr. J. W. Harrison to Dr. Joseph Pound asking him to please find the grave of Mrs. Harrison's father located somewhere on Wallace Mountain in Dripping Springs, Texas. He goes on to talk about his medical practice and asks if Dr. Pound is still practicing, and discusses old times and their ever growing age.
Date: May 18, 1908
Creator: Harrison, Dr. J. W.
Partner: Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead

[Letter from Earl P. Hopkins, February 15, 1908]

Description: Letter from Earl P. Hopkins to Claude D. White regarding a question from Mr. White about promoting from Second to First Grade positions in the Custom House Service. The letter is typed on the letterhead of the Washington Civil Service School, which provides correspondence courses to prepare for Federal Civil Service Examinations. Mr. Hopkins is the president of the school. There is a return envelope addressed to Earl P. Hopkins, Pres., 507 E Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. The envelope that th… more
Date: February 15, 1908
Creator: Hopkins, Earl P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Earl P. Hopkins to Claude D. White, February 26, 1908]

Description: Letter from Earl P. Hopkins, President of the Washington Civil Service School, to Claude D. White regarding Mr. White's application to take training courses by mail through the school in preparation for a civil service examination. The letter is typed on the school's letterhead. The envelope that the letter was sent in is addressed to Mr. Claude D. White, McKinney, Texas, Box 25, and it is postmarked Washington, D. C., February 26, 1908. There are some handwritten notes in pencil on the back. T… more
Date: February 26, 1908
Creator: Hopkins, Earl P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Earl P. Hopkins to Claude D. White, September 9, 1908]

Description: Letter from Earl P. Hopkins, President of the Washington Civil Service School, to Claude D. White regarding some training materials that should have been sent to him. The letter is typed on the school's letterhead. mMr. White is taking correspondence courses through the school to prepare for a civil service examination. Included with the letter is a small piece of paper with a notice that student numbers must be put on each test so that it can be graded. The envelope that the letter was sent in… more
Date: September 9, 1908
Creator: Hopkins, Earl P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from F. W. Hughes to D. T. Bomar, April 13, 1908]

Description: Letter from F. W. Hughes to D. T. Bomar stating he has written to Mr. Sayles about Bower's proposition and will inform him of Sayles' opinion.
Date: April 13, 1908
Creator: Hughes, F. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles, April 13, 1908]

Description: Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles remitting a letter from D. T. Bomar. Hughes discusses making a deal that would earn them both more money. Also discussed is the railroad route that runs through central Texas.
Date: April 13, 1908
Creator: Hughes, F. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles, April 13, 1908]

Description: Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles stating expenses of the plant are covered for the current month. However, Bomar will be responsible to pay to Beardsley because of something that had been revealed the previous November.
Date: April 13, 1908
Creator: Hughes, F. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles, April 14, 1908]

Description: Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles stating he is glad to hear that interest has been paid on the southern and northwest lands. D. T. Bomar sent Hughes exchange for the interest.
Date: April 14, 1908
Creator: Hughes, F. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles, January 9, 1908]

Description: Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles asking him to dispose of Hughes' papers in the Beardsley deal to come to a more negotiable agreement. He states that an appeal for a case in New York has changed.
Date: January 9, 1908
Creator: Hughes, F. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles, June 14, 1908]

Description: Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles saying he was not sure it was a good idea to divide his ranch, but supposes it will be easier to sell. Hughes is anxious for the mineral well deed to be in better shape.
Date: June 14, 1908
Creator: Hughes, F. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles, March 29, 1908]

Description: Letter from F. W. Hughes to Henry Sayles expressing his happiness that Bomar has extended them an offer. After coming to terms with Bomar, Hughes believes they should no longer partner with him.
Date: March 29, 1908
Creator: Hughes, F. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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