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[Letter from Margaret Campbell to Littleton Dennis Teackle, November 3, 1799]

Description: Letter from Margaret Campbell to Littleton Dennis Teackle written from the Campbell home in Glasgow on Stockwell Street. The letter discusses Teackle's recent visit with the Campbells in both Glasgow and at their country cottage, mentioning Lilly Campbell, Anna Campbell, and Teackle's sisters Henrietta and Sarah "Sally" Teackle. The letter also mentions Lord Francis Jeffrey, a good friend of the Campbell's.
Date: November 3, 1799
Creator: Campbell, Margaret
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

[Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister Ann Upshur Eyre - May 3, 1800]

Description: Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister Ann Upshur Eyre from her Uncle Littleton Upshur's home Vaucluse on Hungars Creek. This letter covers Ann's anticipated arrival in preparation for Elizabeth's wedding to Littleton Dennis Teackle. People mentioned in the letter include Betsy Snead, James Lyon, Valeria Spencer Fullerton, and Aunt Ann Parker Upshur.
Date: May 3, 1800
Creator: Teackle, Elizabeth Uphsur
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

[Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre, July 3, 1819]

Description: Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre. She writes about her journey back home from Kegotank and the current drastic drought in Princess Anne. The last page(s) of the letter are missing.
Date: July 3, 1819
Creator: Teackle, Elizabeth Upshur
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

[Transcript of a Letter, December 3, 1819]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter, possibly from William M. O'Hara, on December 3, 1819, explaining the enclosed papers, and his desire to dissolve his business agreements with Stephen F. Austin.
Date: December 3, 1819
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre, May 3, 1822]

Description: Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre, explaining why she did not visit Eyre Hall at the promised time. She is vague, saying that various circumstances have deferred her visit and mentioning some business dealings of her husband, Littleton Dennis Teackle. She asks for Ann to give well wishes to the friends and family in Northampton.
Date: May 3, 1822
Creator: Teackle, Elizabeth Upshur
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

[Transcript of Letter from Stephen F. Austin, August 3, 1826]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from Stephen F. Austin, on August 3, 1826, discussing the family life of Peter Elias Bean, including whether or not he was legally married to the woman he was living with, and the number of sons he has.
Date: August 3, 1826
Creator: Austin, Stephen F.
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Two Lists of Volunteers for the Army]

Description: Two lists from the Laredo alcalde showing individuals who have joined the 1st Company of the army.
Date: March 3, 1827
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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