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Teacher's Contract for Pearl Vinson, 1924

Description: Teacher's contract for Pearl Vinson from 1925. The contract stipulates that she will teach for 7 months at a rate of $85/month in the Cross Roads Elementary in Cass County. Other signatures on the contract include J. F. Joyner, M.A. Harrell and R.E. Hall, trustees, and J. F. Lovelace, County Superintendant.
Date: May 5, 1925
Partner: Other

[Certificate of Commendation to the Denton City Council]

Description: Certificate of Commendation awarded to the Denton City Council by the Texas Historical Commission for distinguished service in the field of historic preservation. The certificate was awarded on June 5, 1980.
Date: June 5, 1980
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Minutes, third meeting of Beth-El Congregation, October 5, 1902]

Description: Minutes from the third meeting of Beth-El Congregation, Oct. 5, 1902, handwritten in pencil on the back of a courthouse circular. The reverse side of the minutes is a Courthouse Circular, dated Oct. 3, 1902.
Date: October 5, 1902
Creator: Carb, Isidore, congregation secretary
Partner: Fort Worth Jewish Archives

[Tax receipt for Milton Parks, March 5 1881]

Description: Tax receipt for Milton Parks. The receipt is for the year of 1880 in the amount of eight dollars and twenty-seven cents.
Date: March 5, 1881
Creator: Morris, J.R.
Partner: Log Cabin Village

[The Western Presbyter]

Description: The Western Presbyter, a weekly publication from Cumberland Presbyterian, contains information about the state of the church.
Date: February 5, 1904
Creator: Russell, Charles C.
Partner: Denton Public Library

The Brite Ranch Raid

Description: This is a collection of pages and objects related to an entry by Clint W. White for the Alpine History Fair in Marfa, Texas in March 1984. Accompanying the research paper are three "History Day" judges' rating cards, a participant ribbon, and a certificate. The paper mentions a model of the ranch headquarters that accompanied this report. as well. Three ia a hand-written paper telling about the author's sources of information about the ranch. The three-page typed report tells the story of the … more
Date: March 5, 1984
Creator: White, Clint W.
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Funeral Notice for L.C. Brite

Description: Funeral notice for Lucas Charles Brite, whose funeral was held at the First Christian Church on Friday, September 5, 1941 at 3 pm.
Date: September 5, 1941
Partner: Marfa Public Library

Peruanos demonstraron seriedad civica

Description: This article deals with Peruvian citizens who live in Dallas and voted in Peruvian runoff election. Both the original Spanish article and the English translation are included.
Date: June 5, 2006
Creator: Castillo, José L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Fire in Ringgold]

Description: This article deals with the wildfire that destroyed the town of Ringglod, Texas. Both the original Spanish article and the English translation are included.
Date: January 5, 2006
Creator: Castillo, José L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Payment receipt, April 5, 1909]

Description: Payment receipt for Mrs. Loriette C. Redway which details that Mrs. Redway has made the final payment on a financial obligation. The final payment of $25.00 released Redway from financial obligation to the Pacific Municipal Co.
Date: April 5, 1909
Creator: Pacific Municipal Co.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Receipt of Levi Perryman, June 5, 1880]

Description: Receipt for taxes on personal property in Montague County for the sum of $3.40.
Date: June 5, 1880
Creator: Morris, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Receipt from J.C. Stephens to W.A. Morris, December 5, 1878]

Description: Receipt from J.C. Stephens to W.A. Morris, deputy sheriff of Montague County for $13.55 that he collected from J.V. Jones as costs that were associated with an order for his arrest.
Date: December 5, 1878
Creator: Stephens, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Receipt for 50 French francs paid to H. E. Reisacher, January 15, 1844]

Description: Receipt for 50 French francs paid to H. E. Reisacher from Huth on behalf of Castro. Signed H. E. Reisacher on January 5, 1844 in Galveston. "Received from Mr. Louis [Huth on beh]alf of Mr. H[enr]i Castro in Paris."
Date: January 5, 1844
Creator: Reisacher, H. E.
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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