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[Newspaper Clipping: SMA Honors 2 City Doctors]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article discussing two physicians honored by the Southern Medical Association: Dr. May Owen, and Dr. Robert D. Moreton. The article briefly mentions each doctor's main accomplishments, and also includes a photo of Dr. May Owen.
Date: November 10, 1960
Creator: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Partner: Texas Medical Association

[Newspaper Clipping: Dr. Owen Science Hall To Be Open on Dec. 3]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about the opening of the Dr. Owen Science Hall at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. The article discusses the background of the hall and some of the exhibits. Also included is a photo of Dr. May Owen, Dr. Louis J. Levy, and Helmut Naumer with a replica for an exhibit at the Science Hall. On the back of the clipping is part of an advertisement for pots and pans.
Date: November 10, 1968
Creator: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Location: None
Partner: Texas Medical Association

[Newspaper Clipping: 'Finest' Medical Museum To Open Here Dec. 7]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about the opening of the Dr. May Owen Hall of Medical Science at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. The article discusses the hall's opening, funding, and exhibits. On the back of the clipping is a crossword and the Dallas Daily Diary.
Date: November 10, 1968
Creator: Daily Press
Partner: Texas Medical Association

[Clipping: Hefley sanity hearing changed to Houston]

Description: Clipping from a newspaper that was published November 10, 1972. The article titled, Hefley sanity hearing changed to Houston, describes the psychology test administered on Charles Roy Hefley who confessed to raping and maiming Carolyn Adams and slaying her two children in the Trinity River. The fourth sanity hearing will be transferred to Houston.
Date: November 10, 1972
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Historical groundbreaking]

Description: Newspaper clipping of a photo of Mayor Ellinor Hughes and County Judge Dan Trammell digging into the ground to prepare for a historical marker. A caption accompanies the photo, describing that a historical marker will be placed for the city of Denton on the lawn of the courthouse as part of the Texas Historical Commissions preservation program.
Date: November 10, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Viewing History]

Description: Newspaper clipping of a photo of a woman viewing a framed photograph in an exhibit. A caption accompanies the photo, describing that the Grimes County photographic exhibit at the North Texas State University Historical Collection is part of the activities planned for History Appreciation Week.
Date: November 10, 1977
Creator: Jim Mahoney
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: WASPs Await President's Signature]

Description: Newspaper clipping of Patricia Collins Hughes' column discussing the recent passage of legislation that granted veterans' status to the WASP. Hughes thanks several individuals and organizations who supported the WASP along the way. This clipping also includes a poem by Ann Darr and the continuation of an article on the WASP from the front page.
Date: November 10, 1977
Creator: Hughes, Patricia Collins
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: WASPs Win 33 Year Battle For Vet Status]

Description: Photocopy of a newspaper clipping titled "WASPs Win 33 Year Battle For Vet Status" from The Stars and Stripes. It includes an article about the WASP finally being able to receive veteran benefits from the government.
Date: November 10, 1977
Creator: Arnold, William Bruce
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: About time]

Description: A Dallas Morning News clipping of a letter to the editor by Athol A. Dickson from Richardson, TX; Dickson discusses their thoughts on Representative James Link's comments about individuals with AIDS.
Date: November 10, 1989
Creator: Dickson, Athol A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Fort Worth Fifth-Graders Give Full Treatment To Art Class

Description: A scanned newspaper clipping featuring an article about teacher, Georiga Blaydes and her fifth-grade class room of students undergoing the experimental discipline-based art education program. The students have become as serious about art criticism as professional critics. Changes in art curriculum are being implemented statewide as part of a package of sweeping education reforms approved by the Texas Legislature in 1981. In the article, Ms. Blaydes has been working with the University of North … more
Date: November 10, 1989
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Denton arts receive grants from TCA]

Description: A newspaper clipping featuring an article about the University of North Texas' education reform program, North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, was awarded $4,422 by the Texas Commission on the Arts. The following article details other art organizations receiving their own sums of awarded money.
Date: November 10, 1991
Creator: Denton Record-Chronicle
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Denton Record-Chronicle brief, November 10, 1991]

Description: A clipping from the 'Brief' section of the Denton Record-Chronicle that covers the TCA grants received by UNT for NTIEVA and other Denton area art programs.
Date: November 10, 1991
Creator: Denton Record-Chronicle
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: GOP momentum]

Description: A newspaper clipping regarding the candidates for elections in the Dallas area in 1994.
Date: November 10, 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Native American Heritage Month to feature films, lectures, music]

Description: Newspaper clipping, "Native American Heritage Month to feature films, lectures, music," by Richard Guerrero for the North Texas Daily, published Tuesday, November 10, 1998. The article is in regards to North Texas Center for Cultural Diversity working with TWU on a Native American series that will include lectures, film and music for Native American Heritage Month.
Date: November 10, 1998
Creator: Guerrero, Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Blacks help in passage of gay marriage ban]

Description: Clipping of an article regarding seven in 10 black Californians who voted for the ballot measure overruling a state Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage.
Date: November 10, 2008
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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