4 Matching Results

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[Letter from Ann Upshur Eyre to her sister, Elizabeth Upshur Teackle, September 22, 1806]

Description: Letter from Ann Upshur Eyre to her sister, Elizabeth Upshur Teackle, written from Eyre Hall, discussing a party of the Taylors coming from Norfolk, along with Robert Barraud Taylor, a Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Jones. Also mentioned are Grace Duncombe Taylor, Retta Teackle of Easton, and John Eyre. The last page(s) of the letter are missing.
Date: September 22, 1806
Creator: Eyre, Ann Upshur
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library

[Letter from John Teackle to Charles Nicoll Bancker, April 22, 1806, Vol. 1]

Description: Letter from John Teackle to Charles Nicoll Bancker. The letter is from Vol. 1 of Charles N. Bancker's correspondence journal, which pertains to family and business matters and documents national economic and political issues related to the family's interests in banking, commerce, and shipbuilding. John writes about his travels to Washington D.C. and his plans. Littleton Dennis Teackle and Elizabeth Upshur Teackle are with him.
Date: April 22, 1806
Creator: Teackle, John
Partner: Library of Congress Manuscript Division

[Letter from John Teackle to Charles Nicoll Bancker, August 22, 1806, Vol. 1]

Description: Letter from John Teackle to Charles Nicoll Bancker. The letter is from Vol. 1 of Charles N. Bancker's correspondence journal, which pertains to family and business matters and documents national economic and political issues related to the family's interests in banking, commerce, and shipbuilding. John writes about the death of John Dennis and the poor health of his son Henry Dennis Teackle.
Date: August 22, 1806
Creator: Teackle, John
Partner: Library of Congress Manuscript Division
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