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[Copy of Letter from Randall Jacobs to Harris L. Kempner, February 26, 1945]

Description: Hectograph copy of a letter from Randall Jacobs to Harris Leon Kempner discussing orders for temporary duty. First endorsement by Charles K. Mallory indicates letter was delivered to Harris Leon Kempner on February 27, 1945. The second endorsement is Kempner's response that includes a travel time-table. Finally, an additional note by Kempner reads "Certified a true copy:" and includes his signature.
Date: February 26, 1945
Creator: Jacobs, Randall
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Copy of Letter from the Office of William M. Nathan to Various Members of the Hillel Building Fund, February 26, 1945]

Description: Copy of letter from the office of William M. Nathan to Various Members of The Hillel Building Fund discussing his plans to visit them soon to stir up interest in the Hillel Building Fund at the University of Texas at Austin. He requests that these individuals call a meeting of key men in their city who have not donated to the fund yet. He wishes to speak to them and encourage them to donate to the Hillel building for Jewish students at the University of Texas at Austin.
Date: February 26, 1945
Creator: Nathan, William M.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Copy of Letter from William M. Nathan to Leo Walkow, February 26, 1945]

Description: Copy of letter from William M. Nathan to Leo Walkow requesting that he serve as the Texarkana chairman for the Hillel Building Fund. He explains the importance of this fund and discusses some individuals in Texarkana who have ties to The University of Texas at Austin.
Date: February 26, 1945
Creator: Nathan, William M.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Correspondence to E.M. Pease from Sterling McNeel]

Description: A letter to E.M. Pease from Sterling McNeel that includes a list of slaves at Darrington Plantation.
Date: February 26, 1853
Creator: McNeel, Sterling
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[Deed For Lot No. 1 in Pleasanton]

Description: Letter from F. M. Mansfield and J. N. Murphey to A. G. Martin containing the deed for Lot No. 1 in Pleasanton, Texas. The letter concerns the transferring of a deed for land in Pleasanton, Texas by the First Baptist Church. Also attached to the letter is a form signed by a notary public.
Date: February 26, 1896
Creator: Mansfield, F. M. & Murphey, J. N.
Partner: Marfa Public Library

[Inter-Office Letter from T. L. James to D. W. Kempenr, February 26, 1948]

Description: Inter-office letter, subject titled: "Pecans," from Thos. L. James to D. W. Kempner discussing the deliver of 23 lbs of pecans versus the 50 lbs he had stated in a previous letter, but that all would be fine with continuing the pricing at 45¢ a pound.
Date: February 26, 1948
Creator: James, Thomas Leroy
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to Dudley Peterson, February 26, 1951]

Description: Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to Dudley Peterson regarding a bill (HB 326) that would prohibit the use of slot machines in Texas. Mr. Blackshear argues that banning slot machines would be ineffective in curbing gambling and highlights the revenue these machines generate for the club and the federal government.
Date: February 26, 1951
Creator: Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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