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[News Script: San Antonio spurs]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story about San Antonio spurs baseball team where Tom Nissalke is back and events inspire those perspective statements about history which is repeating itself or everything moving in circles or some such philosophical irrelevance .
Date: June 29, 1973, 6:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: UAW strike]

Description: Photocopy of a script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story.
Date: September 29, 1970, 6:30 a.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Riots]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story.
Date: April 29, 1969, 12:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Oral History Interview with Hazael R. Olivares, March 29, 2003

Description: Interview with Hazael R. Olivares, a serviceman in the U. S. Navy during World War II. Olivares dropped out of high school and decided to join the U. S. Navy after hearing about the attack on Pearl Harbor. He took his 16-week basic training course at Great Lakes in Illinois where he learned how to fire various guns and recognize aircraft. After basic training, he was assigned to Algiers, Louisiana where he learned how to weld. Aboard the USS Bordelon (DD-881), he served as a Ship Fitter in the … more
Date: March 29, 2003
Duration: 49 minutes 40 seconds
Creator: Misenhimer, Richard & Olivares, Hazael R.
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation
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