133 Matching Results

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Cooling and Preserving Apparatus.

Description: Patent for a "cooling apparatus in which a cloth envelops a vertically-disposed series of supports, and has its upper end dipping into a receptacle supplied with water; and the object of the improvement is to secure a uniformity of temperature throughout the structure, and particularly in the several compartments formed between the various supports, as well as to prevent the spoiling of food by foreign matters entering the same by accidental dislodgment from a support immediately thereover." (L… more
Date: April 30, 1895
Creator: Brown, Elijah Clark
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Instrument for Dividing Angles into Equal Parts.

Description: Patent for an instrument for dividing angles into equal parts and is meant to be used with a beam compass. The "invention consists in a member having a point adapted to be placed at the point of the angle to be divided, and having movable thereon a beam extending horizontally and having at one end a transverse head projecting from each side of the beam and carrying at one end an indicating point and at the other end a marking pencil" (lines 22-29).
Date: April 30, 1895
Creator: Cornelius, Francis W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Exercising Device.

Description: Patent for an "exercising device for teaching beginners the correct touch on the piano to systematically develop finger [technique]." (Lines 9-11) Includes instructions and illustrations.
Date: April 30, 1895
Creator: Felden, Oscar
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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