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Cartridge-Loading Machine

Description: Patent for improvements to the machine originally patented on August 10, 186 by Edward A. Franklin of Brenham, patent no. 347,268.
Date: January 15, 1889
Creator: Franklin, Edward A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Cartridge-Loading Machine

Description: Patent for "an improvement in cartridge-loaders adapted to load cartridge shells automatically, the machine being operated by suitable power. It consists in improved power mechanism and devices which may be arranged and combined with the loading mechanism of a machine cartridge-loader" (lines 38-45).
Date: November 25, 1890
Creator: Franklin, Edward A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Client Card: Mr. Bailey Balken]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Mr. Bailey Balken, including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. Piece includes: "Child's Head".
Date: January 1933
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum

[Client Card: Mr. Virgil Cantini]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Mr. Virgil Cantini, including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. This work order includes an aluminum cast of a group of abstracts, and numerous bronze casts of various figures.
Date: September 1970
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum

[Client Card: Mrs. Gloria Brooks]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Mrs. Gloria Brooks, including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. This work order includes a bronze "flagstaffeagle," although the shipment shows as being cancelled.
Date: unknown
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum

[Client Card: Mrs. Milton Brauman]

Description: Client card describing work completed at the Roman Bronze Works Foundry for Mrs. Milton Brauman, including a job number, brief description, monetary amount, and dates associated with each entry. This work order includes a bronze cast of "Aaron" measuring 22" tall.
Date: March 1961
Creator: Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Partner: Amon Carter Museum


Description: Cloche hat of lace and velvet. The deep, domed crown is of peach satin (?) overlaid with a silver metallic lace. At the front of the crown are applied leaf shapes of dark pink velvet that form a fan-motif. The lowest leaves on each side extend to become a shallow brim for the hat, also formed of the dark pink velvet. The leaves and the brim are quilted with metallic silver stitching. The hat is lined in pink satin(?). Label sewn inside crown: "Pittsburgh / Character Hats / New York / Trad… more
Date: 1925
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Distillation of Sulfur.

Description: Patent for a calorized iron coating that is resistant to corrosion during the sulfur distillation process. This coating prevents the destruction of retorts during the boiling of sulfur. The calorization process involves heating the material "with a mixture containing finely divided aluminum" (lines 56-57).
Date: December 6, 1921
Creator: Davis, Harold Simmons & Hamor, William Allen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Game Apparatus

Description: Patent for a game that is designed to impart instruction or information according to subject or topic desired.
Date: November 22, 1910
Creator: Prickett, Clinton E. & Cool, Roy D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Improvements in Manufacture of Organic Solvents

Description: Patent for new improvements to the manufacture of organic solvents. Specifically as it it relates to the treatment of acetone oils with catalysts for the purpose of converting the ketones contained within the acetone oil into alcohol.
Date: December 5, 1914
Creator: Hibbert, Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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