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[Statement Regarding Fees for Justices of the Peace]

Description: Statement from Policarzo Martinez, the subprefect in Mier, informing recipients that he is setting new fees for justices of the peace.
Date: [1841..1846]
Creator: Martinez, Policarzo
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement Concerning a Viceregal Communication]

Description: Message from Manuel de Iturbe to officials in towns and villas saying that he is sending a viceregal communication concerning recent events, encouraging loyalty. The document is signed by local authorities acknowledging that they received and passed on the message from de Iturbe.
Date: 1810-10~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement for an Impending Decree]

Description: Message from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish officials saying he is sending a decree from the Audiencia with news from Spain, with procedures for electing deputies to the cortes. The document is signed by local officials acknowledging their having received and passed on the message from de Iturbe.
Date: 1810-06~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement for the Establishment of a Position]

Description: Announcement from Governor Manuel de Iturbe saying that the position of "Promotor de Concursos" has been established. Local Spanish officials from the towns listed on the left of the document have their signatures on it acknowledging that they have received the word and passed it on.
Date: 1807-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Joaquín de Arredondo]

Description: Announcement from Joaquín de Arredondo to local alcaldes in Laredo saying a one percent tax on properties should be collected.
Date: 1815-06~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Joaquín Vidal Concerning the Viceroy]

Description: Announcement from Joaquín Vidal saying that the new viceroy, Francisco Javier de Lizana, took office on July 19, 1809. The document is signed by numerous Spanish officials acknowledging having received the announcement and passed it on to others.
Date: 1809-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Joaquín Vidal de Larca]

Description: Announcment from Joaquín Vidal de Larca saying that Governor Manuel de Iturbe has returned to the province. The document says that officials are to divulge the news in the usual manner, and is signed by local Spanish justicias.
Date: 1809-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Joaquín Vidal de Larca]

Description: Announcement from Joaquín Vidal saying that Don Manuel Mexino has been named provisional Intendent of the capital. The announcement is signed by numerous Spanish officials acknowledging that they received and passed on the message.
Date: 1809-09~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Joaquín Vidal de Larca]

Description: Message from Joaquín Vidal de Larca saying that José Francisco Rodríguez de Aguilar is expelled from the province. de Larca goes on to say that, should he return, de Aguilar is not to be employed and is to be arrested. The document is signed by local Spanish officials in the towns and villas acknowledging their having received and passed on the message.
Date: 1809-07~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Joaquín Vidal to Justicias]

Description: Announcement from Joaquín Vidal to Spanish officials saying that the Conde de Balveder is allowed to leave Carthusian monastery, cleared of all suspicion, and may return to military action. This announcement is signed by Spanish officials, acknowledging their having received this from de Larca.
Date: 1809-09~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe]

Description: Notice from Manuel de Iturbe saying that Antolín Orbaneya is wanted for killing Ramos de Tributos. The document is heavily stained, and signed by local officials acknowledging their having received and passed on the notice from de Iturbe.
Date: 1808-02~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe and Felix Calleja]

Description: Message from Manuel de Iturbe and Felix Calleja saying that command of the brigade in Reino de Santander passes to Colonel Ignacio García Revallo. The document, which is slightly frayed, is signed by local Spanish justicias in the towns and villas acknowledging their having received the message.
Date: 1808-09~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe Concerning Miguel Hidalgo]

Description: Message from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish justicias announcing the excommunication of Miguel Hidalgo and his followers. This message is signed by Spanish officials acknowledging their having received and passed on the information.
Date: 1810-12~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe Concerning the Cortes]

Description: Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe to the Spanish justicias and captains in the villas and towns with results of elections for the cortes. de Iturbe mentions that places that have not yet elected someone should do so. There is a second document, signed by Juan Mazoleni and other Spanish officials acknowledging having received the announcement from de Iturbe.
Date: 1810-09~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe Concerning the Navy]

Description: Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish justicias saying that Principe de la Paz has been named Almirante General. The document is signed by local Spanish officials, from towns listed on the left side of the front page, acknowledging their having received the announcement.
Date: 1807-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe to Justicias]

Description: Message from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish justicias saying that he is sending a decree from the new viceroy. The document is signed by local Spanish officials acknowledging the fact that they have received and passed on the message from de Iturbe.
Date: 1809-12~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish Justicias]

Description: Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe to justicias saying that he is sending a decree from the junta in Cádiz. The document is signed by local Spanish authorities acknowledging their having received and published the impending decree.
Date: 1810-06~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish Officials]

Description: Message from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish officials saying that 20 million pesos are now available for loans. The message is signed by those officials, acknowledging that they have received and passed on the document.
Date: 1810-06~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe with a Declaration of War]

Description: Announcement from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish justicias saying that war has been declared against England, and orders on shipping, etc. The document is signed by local Spanish authorities acknowledging they have received the notice and passed on the word.
Date: 1807-09~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from the Conde de la Sierra Gorda]

Description: Announcement from the Conde de la Sierra Gorda saying the bishop is visiting and that townspeople should take proper measures for care, reception, etc. The document is stained in the upper right corner and has a piece of tape down the left side of the paper.
Date: 1791-06~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Viceroy Calleja]

Description: Announcement from Viceroy Calleja with changes in taxes on commercial shipping. The bottom of the document has a short paragraph from Juan de Juanicotena, saying where the message was sent to within Nuevo Santander such as Laredo, Reynosa, Camargo, etc.
Date: 1813-10~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcements from Viceroy Venegas]

Description: Announcement from Viceroy Venegas saying there is a ten percent tax to be put on renting houses, plus other regulations regarding renting homes, buildings, etc. At the end of the document there is a response from Juan Juanicotena from February 18, 1813.
Date: 1812-02~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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