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[Decree Concerning the Sale of Tobacco from Viceroy Marques de Croix]

Description: Decree from the Viceroy of New Spain, Marques de Croix, concerning the illegalities of planting and the sale of tobacco. This decree is to be sent to the Gobernadores, Corregidores, and Alcaldes mayores within New Spain.
Date: 1768
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Royal Decrees Concerning a Book and Gambling]

Description: Manuscript of a royal decree concerning the book about Regicide and Tyrranicide written by Fray Vicente Mas de Casaballs of the Order of Predicant friars; according to the decree this ideology must be stamped out, all teachers and students must observe section 15 of the Council of Constance. Included at the end is a torn, and stained bando, covered in tape against gambling and a request that all officials see to it that it is obeyed.
Date: 1768
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Orders from the King Dispersed by the Marques de Croix]

Description: Orders from King Charles III to Bishops, and other members of the Church, to preach and practice respect for the Crown, the family, and all government officials. The orders, distributed in New Spain by Viceroy Marques de Croix, also call for them to limit activities to religious ones.
Date: July 22, 1768
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Full Report on the Death of Maria Garcia]

Description: Report on the death of Maria Garcia, whether a suicide or murder. Garcia, found hanged, and her cadaver was placed in the public square, is the wife of Felix Basquez. The report contains details on the investigation that determined she committed suicide.
Date: July 31, 1768
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree Prohibiting Unlawful Manufacturing of Gunpowder]

Description: Decree from the Marques de Croix prohibiting, without royal permit, the manufacturing or sale of gunpowder. Also included are the penalties to be administered for those guilty of dealing in its contraband. This decree includes both printed text and pieces of paper with tape around the edges containing hand written text.
Date: September 27, 1768
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Printed Edict from the Marques de Croix]

Description: Printed edict from the Marques de Croix to the Justicia de Laredo informing him, and the other parish priests and magistrates, of the importance of teaching Indians the Spanish language so that they can be taught Christianity.
Date: October 10, 1769
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from Marques de Croix Concerning Missionaries]

Description: Decree from the Marques de Croix to Spanish officials concerning retiring missionaries. The text says that those who retire after ten years are permitted to take up posts in their respective orders, applicable to all of Nueva España.
Date: April 28, 1770
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from the Marques de Croix Concerning Jesuits]

Description: Decree from the Marques de Croix, by order of King Carlos III, prohibiting Jesuits from returning to Nueva España; thus ordering the expulsion of the Jesuits from New Spain.
Date: May 2, 1770
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from the Marques de Croix Concerning Legal Procedures]

Description: Decree from the Marques de Croix by order of the King, Carlos III; it is taped together on the back in four quadrants. The decree says that all legal documents and procedures are to meet the standards of the law.
Date: June 28, 1770
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from the Marques de Croix]

Description: Decree from the Marques de Croix reminding all officials in New Spain of a previous decree in which he ordered that all Indians who hold official positions be taught Spanish and that only Spanish should be used.
Date: December 11, 1770
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondences by Salvador Hidalgo and Tomás Sanchez]

Description: Communications from Salvador Hidalgo, imprisoned, asking why he has been imprisoned and for a trial. Tomás Sanchez responds with the terms of any upcoming trial.
Date: February 18, 1771
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Trial Correspondence Between Joseph Pérez and Tomás Sánchez]

Description: Correspondence between Joseph Pérez and Tomás Sánchez regarding the hearing for Salvador Gonzalez Hidalgo. Perez lists the questions to be asked and asks for the accusers to be present; Sánchez requires them to appear as witnesses. The top right corner of the document is torn off.
Date: April 13, 1771
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondence Between Joseph Pérez and Tomás Sánchez]

Description: Correspondence between Joseph Pérez and Tomás Sánchez acknowledging the the need for Nicolás Campos to be arrested; Sánchez agrees to gather all necessary information.
Date: April 20, 1771
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Interrogations and Questionnaire]

Description: Document featuring requests, orders, and a questionnaire from Spanish officials Nicolás Antonio Campos Castellanos, Tomás Sánchez, and the governor, Vicente González Santianés.
Date: 1771-06~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondence from Francisco Sales Carrillo to the Justicia Mayor]

Description: Correspondence between Francisco Sales Carrillo and the Justicia Mayor saying that the new "bulles" of 1772-1773 are complete and that he is to collect the leftover old "bulles" and distribute the new "bulles."
Date: 1773~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from Tomás Sánchez]

Description: Order from Captain Tomás Sánchez de la Barrera to settlers near Laredo to report to the villa within three days to avoid a fine of 12 pesos.
Date: July 9, 1774
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree Sent from Governor Vicente González to Spanish Captains]

Description: Royal decree from the King sent by Governor Vicente González de Santianés to the various captains of the nearby villas and towns. The document contains the decree pertaining to the collection of former currency at the top, followed by different entries with dates of compliance from the captains.
Date: 1774-10~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Affidavit from Nicolás Gutiérrez de Mondoza and Francisco Thomas Cantú]

Description: Affidavit from Nicolás Gutiérrez de Mendoza and Francisco Thomas Cantú de el Río y la Cerda saying that Joseph Joaquín Cavasos is not a member of de Mendoza's parish and does not belong to the Villa of Laredo. According to Cantú Cavasos is a resident of Salinas.
Date: 1775-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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