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[Announcement from Joaquín Vidal de Larca]

Description: Announcment from Joaquín Vidal de Larca saying that Governor Manuel de Iturbe has returned to the province. The document says that officials are to divulge the news in the usual manner, and is signed by local Spanish justicias.
Date: 1809-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Statement from Jose María Elisondo to the Mayor of Laredo]

Description: Statement from Jose María Elisondo to the mayor of Laredo saying that 140 goats were stolen while he was away; Elisondo gives facts, and suspects, and asks for justice to be done. According to the document an inquiry is to follow concerning the case; officials have signed the document in various places.
Date: 1809-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Message from Manuel de Iturbe Concerning Decrees]

Description: Message from Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish officials saying he is sending decrees from the archbishop of Mexico City and the viceroy of New Spain concerning the capture of insurrectionists; the men mentioned are Miguel Hidalgo, Ignacio Allende, and Juan Aldama. This document is signed by local Spanish officials acknowledging their having received the notice.
Date: 1810-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Grant to Don Juán Nepomuceno Zustieta]

Description: Letter from Don José Ramón Diaz de Bustamente granting power of attorney to Don Juán Nepomuceno Zustieta. These powers cover the goods of Maria Josefa de la Garza who is deceased. The document itself is badly stained and has a large tear in the upper right corner of the page.
Date: 1804-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from Viceroy Güemez Concerning Money]

Description: Decree from Viceroy Juan Vicente Güemez stating that older coinage is not to be sent to Spain or to anywhere outside of the country. The document itself has multiple stains and tears on both side of the paper, and the handwritten signatures are from officials in the villages acknowledging their receiving of the decree.
Date: 1791-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Copy of Correspondence between Luis Menard and the Governor]

Description: Copy of the original correspondence between Luis Menard and Governor Melchor Vidal de Larca y Villena. Menard asks for his detention to be suspended so that he may continue his business; Governor de Larca y Villena orders this be done and Manuel Ponce Borrego, the Justicia Mayor in Laredo, complies.
Date: 1788-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Notice from Manuel de Iturbe]

Description: Notice from Manuel de Iturbe saying that Joaquín de Quintana, a merchant, is wanted by the court. The document has a list of towns to which it was sent including Laredo, Camargo, San Fernando, Revilla, etc.
Date: 1804-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Message from Viceroy José de Yturrigaray]

Description: Message from Viceroy José de Yturrigaray saying the price of playing cards is raised from four to eight reales. The signatures from Spanish officials show acknowledge their having received the message; towns listed on the left side of the sheet show where the message was sent.
Date: November 26, 1806
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Receipt for Jose Ildefonso García]

Description: Receipt for Jose Ildefonso García acknowledging the receiving of seven pesos on behalf of D. Ventura Zogarra from Francisco Borrego. The document is covered in pieces of tape and is slightly frayed.
Date: 1808-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Warning from the Governor to Justicias]

Description: Message from Governor Manuel de Iturbe to Spanish justicias warning them to be on guard against the infiltration of the insurrection into Nuevo Santander, which is still loyal to Spain. The message is signed, dated, and acknowledged by Spanish officials in the various towns and villas of the province.
Date: 1810-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Two Announcements from José Ramón Díaz de Bustamente]

Description: Two documents from José Ramón Díaz de Bustamente calling the province to arms in case the insurrection were to spread into Nuevo Santander; de Bustamente says Indians are to have a bow and 50 arrows apiece. He also calls on parish priests to animate the Indians to the Spanish cause instead of the insurrection.
Date: 1810-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Message from José Ramón Díaz de Bustamente]

Description: Communication from José Ramón Díaz de Bustamente saying that a parish priest has given power of attorney to Fernando Uribe to collect money for him. The document itself is badly stained and has pieces of tape holding certain sections together.
Date: 1805-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Petition from Thomas Vargas]

Description: Petition from Thomas Vargas saying he wants to have the things left by his mother who has died; according to the petition the things were taken by Don Manuel Villarreal. The document itself is heavily stained and has pieces of tape holding parts of the paper together.
Date: 1794-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Announcement from Ildefonso Ramón]

Description: Announcement from Ildefonso Ramón saying that Bernabé González has given everything over to his son-in-law, in return for support until his death. The document is heavily stained in places and has a large tear in the upper right corner of the paper.
Date: 1819-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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